Power tube 500 battery not seating enough


Well-Known Member
Macomb, Illinois
I have a Trek Verve +3 that the battery doesn’t quite seat all the way. It’s in there solid so it won’t fall out but that makes it very hard to release it the next time you take it out. Is this an easy adjustment? My LBS isn’t so local but an hour drive so if I can fix it easily I will.
You mean it doesn’t seat all the way in? It’s locked in and yet it’s not working? Are you getting any indication of power at all on the display? I assume it’s charging correctly?
I don’t know how to adjust it but my Trek guy got the battery out and adjusted the latch in less than an hour and it’s worked perfectly ever since.
It seats, locks in but it doesn’t sit flush like my wife’s battery does. It powers up and works fine, because it doesn’t quit sit flush it makes it hard to unlock next time.
It seats, locks in but it doesn’t sit flush like my wife’s battery does. It powers up and works fine, because it doesn’t quit sit flush it makes it hard to unlock next time.
Wish I’d have asked to watch my Trek guy do it but I didn’t. He has since adjusted my Allant+7 and my Rail 5 so that all three of our Trek ebikes can use any of our four Bosch 500/625 batts. My wife’s Allant+7 Lowstep accepted her batt and my Rail 5 batt right out of the box. Best of luck!
We got to our destination and I got it to seat correctly, I got it all lined up and then gave it a little smack to seat it all the way. It’s probably not perfect the way it’s set up but I can live with it.
We got to our destination and I got it to seat correctly, I got it all lined up and then gave it a little smack to seat it all the way. It’s probably not perfect the way it’s set up but I can live with it.
I’ve certainly heard of others smacking their batteries to get them to seat properly. Now that I’ve got 4 batts, I grab whatever’s available and give them a slight pop with the palm of my hand just to be sure. No problems whatsoever!
I have a Trek Verve +3 that the battery doesn’t quite seat all the way. It’s in there solid so it won’t fall out but that makes it very hard to release it the next time you take it out. Is this an easy adjustment? My LBS isn’t so local but an hour drive so if I can fix it easily I will
Trek has a jig/fixture for aligning the battery to the mount points inside the frame and the lock mechanism. I would check if your LBS has this tool.
You can search for the tool online to purchase, but if I remember they are expensive.
So last week we hauled the bikes on my truck to a trail about a two hour drive from here. My wife’s battery fell out during the bike ride on the trail, a couple of scuffs but no damage. On the drive back home we stopped by our LBS, which was sort of on the way home, they adjusted both our batteries. The next day mine still wouldn’t seat correctly. The bigger problem is that it then gets hung up and won’t unlock unless I use a pair of woodworking clamps to take some pressure off. This happened several times, I was going to take it back again but as a last desperate try I put a little grease where the battery hooks in at the top. It appears to have fixed the problem.
So last week we hauled the bikes on my truck to a trail about a two hour drive from here. My wife’s battery fell out during the bike ride on the trail, a couple of scuffs but no damage. On the drive back home we stopped by our LBS, which was sort of on the way home, they adjusted both our batteries. The next day mine still wouldn’t seat correctly. The bigger problem is that it then gets hung up and won’t unlock unless I use a pair of woodworking clamps to take some pressure off. This happened several times, I was going to take it back again but as a last desperate try I put a little grease where the battery hooks in at the top. It appears to have fixed the problem.
The battery lock definitely needs improvement. Both of the Allant's I have had exhibit the same problem. They don't latch firmly and are sometimes fussy to remove.
I just came across this post...
I had the same problem and discovered a loop of loose wiring in the battery compartment. Th battery is designed to fit so tightly that the loose loop of wire was preventing the battery from being locked in tightly. By tucking the wire back in place the problem was solved.