Portugal Rad Rhino 750W registration?


New Member
I am reaching out to the forum to see if someone can help with some advice about riding Rad bikes in Portugal? My wife and I live in Colorado, and both love our Rad City and Step-Thru. We are moving to Portugal soon, and obviously want to continue our passion, probably with 2 Rad Rhinos (or bring our own bikes with us - better still - both options put together :)) I have searched endlessly about Portugal, L1e-A registration, ebikes over 250W information, do we need to register the bikes or do we need insurance? I have also been in contact with Rad Europe, but Portugal seems to be a bit of a "black hole" of information on the legislation. Has anyone on the forum ever ridden their Rad or other 750W bike in Portugal; did you register - and if so -how/where? Any help and advice would be very much appreciated........
Thanks JayVee. I kind of figured that would be the case. If you look at the difference between the Rover and the Rhino, there is not that much, and what there is, is probably to make it compliant to the L1e-A specification (hence the extra cost - plus the China/Europe tariff difference of course). I love my Rad City, but unfortunately, it is not available in Europe yet. Maybe the "pain" is not worth the "reward" - so maybe a "For Sale" sign is the best/only option :)
Hi JayVee, long time ago I learnt that sometimes life is a bit easier swimming with the flow, rather than 100% continually against it ...... New Country, new language, new bureaucracy, new home, new challenges; maybe getting a new Rad Rhino (with all the paperwork included) is one less headache. Thanks a lot for the feedback, it helped with the decision to sell my Rad(s) here before moving. No downside; brand new shiny fat tire Rad Rhino :)
Hello IrishMud
I live in Portugal and recently bought a Radrhino.
I am curious to hear how you fared.
I insured my Radrhino without needing a license plate. I sent copies to the insurance company of the certificate Rad Powerbikes gave me.
The agent told me , that they had all the info, and in a "what if accident" situation the company would be to blame.

Then I took the certificate that Radpower included to the govt registration office, and they said i dont need a license plate.

But i suspect they did not really understand...
So i may try and go there again to make sure. Anyways, for the time being i think i´m ok in case i get stopped by the GNR.
I took off the plate where the license plate is supposed to go, not to give them any ideas...
I have a document of the insurance company, that´ll probly satisfy them. here in mid-Portugal, ebikes are still rare. Too many mountains...
And i could start enjoying the bike immediately without worries.

Still, curious how you fared. In this country authorities all have their own explanation of the law, which sometimes can be a bother, other times an advantage.