Hi friendly forum people! This message is for EVERYONE who joins and posts here... Ebike owners, ebike shops, and ebike manufacturers. The discussion of promotions and pricing is a sensitive subject in this space for a couple of important reasons. I'll be as transparent as possible so that you can understand where I'm coming from and I'll do my best to reply to any comments below and consider your ideas for improvement.
In terms of revenue generation, EBR relies on income generated through YouTube ads (you may notice that I only allow one ad at the beginning of videos vs. two or even three, and all ads are skippable), Skimlinks (we get a small commission when items are bought on Amazon and other sites with basic affiliate programs), and category promotions (where a bike is pinned to the top of a category on the site). In order to start ElectricBikeReview.com, I quit my job with $10k in the bank and lived in my car for two years before gaining enough traction to sign up some advertisers. You can learn more about that experience in this video:
As always, I'm open to suggestions and feedback... I care about each of you and this community, and my perspective over the years trying different revenue models and communication guidelines has led me to this semi-conservative approach.
- Have you noticed that there are very few ads on the forums (and EBR in general). My goal is to provide an open space where people can discuss products without getting too much into promotion, discounting, and critical comparisons. There have been situations here in the past where one person was excited about a Pedego and another jumped in and made them feel bad about the price because "kits are cheaper" or "you can get similar things online" etc. etc. and it sort of ruins the fun and excitement that the original person was expressing. Perhaps that person liked how Pedego's looked or appreciated the dealer network or whatever, and they just wanted to talk about the bike. On other occasions, an individual would be talking about how great their local Haibike dealer was and how they were on the verge of purchasing locally when a member of this forum representing a shop would chime in and say "buy from us online and we'll beat their price" which changes the atmosphere again... I chose to remove brand advertisements in 2017 and forego valuable revenue to set the tone of this space being less about pricing and more about experience and connection. Yes, there are ads along the bottom of all pages here... the very bottom
and any shop can sign up for that. I spent over $150k and lots of hours with developers to build that system, and I manually signed up nearly every shop that is listed there over the phone. I pay $6k+ per month on programming support, website hosting, moderation, content creation, legal fees... and that doesn't include my travel, food etc. I could be taking commissions or secretly partnering with any one of these dealers, many have offered, but I don't... because I want to stay objective and separate this community from a sales floor.
- Many manufacturers have MSRP (manufacturer suggested retail pricing) which shops can dip below if they wish... and MAP (minimum advertised pricing) which they cannot, at least until the end of a season or some other set time. I do my best to uphold and honor these pricing guidelines by limiting conversation about pricing here to one specific forum area called Items, Parts, and Promotions by-Dealer or Brand, which is also strategically located at the very bottom of the homepage. Even with these policies in place and gentle messaging to dealers who join (sometimes multiple guidance emails, polite phone calls, and temporary bans) there have been direct-messaging campaigns through the forum email system where users will be contacted with below MAP pricing... and that's disheartening and potentially damaging to the relationship of trust that I have with each of you. In one case, a dealer who was employing this tactic lost the relationship with a brand that confirmed the unlawful behavior through this site. I value your privacy and strive to reduce any spam that you might otherwise receive. Your emails are not sold or shared unless they are collected specifically for promotional/sales requests (a tool that I have not yet launched).
In terms of revenue generation, EBR relies on income generated through YouTube ads (you may notice that I only allow one ad at the beginning of videos vs. two or even three, and all ads are skippable), Skimlinks (we get a small commission when items are bought on Amazon and other sites with basic affiliate programs), and category promotions (where a bike is pinned to the top of a category on the site). In order to start ElectricBikeReview.com, I quit my job with $10k in the bank and lived in my car for two years before gaining enough traction to sign up some advertisers. You can learn more about that experience in this video:
As always, I'm open to suggestions and feedback... I care about each of you and this community, and my perspective over the years trying different revenue models and communication guidelines has led me to this semi-conservative approach.