Please help: First e-bike purchase


New Member
Hello all,

I am a new member and would like to get a PAS e-bike. I have a 12 mile round-trip commute. E-bikes with the Bosch motor would be my preference. One of the main reason I would like to get an e-bike is to progressively lose weight but avoid getting drenched in sweat on my ride to work.

The Haibike Trekking RX would be my first choice and the Stromer ST1 Elite my second. I live in Cincinnati, OH and the local bike shop here only sells Stromer. I would have to drive to Chicago (or to Crazy Lenny’s in Madison, WI) to test ride the Haibike and have it shipped to me since I have a small car or I can purchase it online. I am also open to other brands as long as they are reliable.

I would like to get your suggestions. I would also appreciate if you can recommend where to buy the Haibike online in case I decide to buy it.

Thanks in advance for your help and I look forward to joining the e-bike community!
Hi Ron,

me too. me too. same boat. I too really like what i see in the Haibike Treking. Not so much the Stromer. I also am attracted to the BH Neo City bosch mid drive. and the Felt 95e. (is that right?) Big thing for me Ron is comfort. i tried riding the felt and comfort was not there. i don't care much for that leaned over position (my hands get sore), the seat sucked and the ride was rough. But, it's light enough to ride w/o power at all and with a new seat and suspension seat post might be the ticket.

Thing is, i got away from diamond frame bikes and into recumbents for comfort reasons. so IF I'm going to borrow $4000 for an exercise machine it has to be as comfortable as possible. So, like you I have to find one of the Neo City and the Haibikes to ride before committing.

Any input is totally welcome.
Hi Ron,

Thing is, i got away from diamond frame bikes and into recumbents for comfort reasons. so IF I'm going to borrow $4000 for an exercise machine it has to be as comfortable as possible. So, like you I have to find one of the Neo City and the Haibikes to ride before committing.

Any input is totally welcome.

Convert your recumbent? Bionx conversions are great!

Ron: Come to visit us in Chattanooga! Only a 6 hour drive. :)
Hello all,

I am a new member and would like to get a PAS e-bike. I have a 12 mile round-trip commute. E-bikes with the Bosch motor would be my preference. One of the main reason I would like to get an e-bike is to progressively lose weight but avoid getting drenched in sweat on my ride to work.

The Haibike Trekking RX would be my first choice and the Stromer ST1 Elite my second. I live in Cincinnati, OH and the local bike shop here only sells Stromer. I would have to drive to Chicago (or to Crazy Lenny’s in Madison, WI) to test ride the Haibike and have it shipped to me since I have a small car or I can purchase it online. I am also open to other brands as long as they are reliable.

I would like to get your suggestions. I would also appreciate if you can recommend where to buy the Haibike online in case I decide to buy it.

Thanks in advance for your help and I look forward to joining the e-bike community!

The Stromer will do exactly what you want; commuting or getting around town (thats why i own it) , and in style... However, if I was buying a new eBike today, I would shop for the lightest eBike and test ride that.. the Stromer is 62 lbs ++.. I think lighter bikes are more responsive and more enjoyable to ride.

And putting the weight in the middle of the bike as with any mid drive with a frame battery, would also improve the handling.