Performance Line CX EU speed limit 25kph change


New Member
I have a Cube Reaction Hybrid Pro 500 with a Performance Line CX motor updated to software which has a speed limit 25kmh (Europe). Is it possible to change the software to the US 20mph limit? 5 mph makes a big difference, i searched all the options in diagnostic tool and tried to update the software but i only get 25kph containers. Any ideas?
I have a Cube Reaction Hybrid Pro 500 with a Performance Line CX motor updated to software which has a speed limit 25kmh (Europe). Is it possible to change the software to the US 20mph limit? 5 mph makes a big difference, i searched all the options in diagnostic tool and tried to update the software but i only get 25kph containers. Any ideas?
This can be done by a Bosch E-Bike Dealer in your area.
Thanks for the answer. I have a friend who is a Dealer and he tried to do it but there is not such option in diagnostic tool and all update containers that we downloaded are with 25kph speed limit. That is something i saw myself in the tool as we were both trying to find a solution. Maybe if someone has downloaded the container for this motor in US with 20mph limit can sent it to me and test in on the bike.
I don't think Bosch will let a dealer to change the speed limit via software. I assume you are in Europe, if that is the case there is no official/legal way to do it.
Unfortunately, it is not possible to change the max. assistance value on any Bosch drive unit. There is absolutely no way to do this. The only way to change the speed the eBike will go is by using some sort of 3rd-party "tuning" device to trick the DU, but this is highly discourage due to major concerns with safety, liability, warranty claim nullification, etc.
Thank you all for the answers. I want to clear that i am not going to install any tuning device, i just wanted to have 5 more mph (the bike is slower due to its weight than both of my other bikes). Of course the max assistance of the drive unit cannot be changed by Bosch diagnostic software, i was just wondering if i can upload the US container. After all it is the same motor with the same specs and all are Bosch official softwares, so safety is not an issue, US bikes are also safe. Of course the problem is with local laws, but in such a case i suppose that the responsibility is for the user and not the manufacturer - same case that if a tuning device has been installed.
It is my first post and i thank you all, you have been very helpfull.
I am having the same thoughts on changing my bike software to US to get a standard 32km/h speed limit. Did you have any success?
Maybe you can download the US software only if you have an American Bosch Dealer account? So that a VPN (act like you're in the US when connection the diagnostic software ) will also not work.
Bosch also can only allow EU software on EU bikes, that are registered as EU bikes in their system, then the change becomes even more challenging...
Well i am afraid this can't be done. I had the diagnostic tool but it seems that software is downloaded by checking the motor type not the region, so you can't do anything with VPN. The software container is encrypted so it is very difficult to change something in the code. Also tried to buy a new US motor from the official dealer but they don't sell them in EU. I finally give up and put a tuning chip which can set the speed for the motor to cut off, have set it in 30Km/h and finally the bike is OK. 30Km/h is a decent speed, 25Km/h is too slow, slower than my other two bikes and no fun at all due to the weight of the bike. Electric bikes are very heavy and should perform near normal bikes if used by cyclists.....
Thank you for your answer. Good that you tried. Do you have a software container for me too look at, even if it is encrypted. Is it possible to send it to me. You can drop it in the link I send you in private.
The Bosch Diagnostic Tool and Bosch Dealer Portal logins are all a global platform, so it will not make a difference where you login from, virtual or otherwise. As was mentioned above, the DU will automatically download the correct software. Even if you managed to download software intended for a DU with higher max. assist, it will not change the max. assist on your DU.

All DUs leave the Bosch factory pre-set for their future region. There is no way to install a different software package to alter the max assistance speed, as the software package or "container file" does not dictate the max. assistance speed. In the past, I have accidentally programmed NA 32km software onto EU 25km DUs, and the cutout is still 25km.

Your dealer may notice that some container files list a max. assistance speed in their description, but this information is displayed to help explain what application the file is intended for. It does not mean that the file will modify DU settings to allow your DU to assist up to the speed in the file description.

Even the OEM is not able to change the max. assistance speed.

I hope this information helps provide some clarification, and saves people some time on looking for work-arounds.
The Bosch Diagnostic Tool and Bosch Dealer Portal logins are all a global platform, so it will not make a difference where you login from, virtual or otherwise. As was mentioned above, the DU will automatically download the correct software. Even if you managed to download software intended for a DU with higher max. assist, it will not change the max. assist on your DU.

All DUs leave the Bosch factory pre-set for their future region. There is no way to install a different software package to alter the max assistance speed, as the software package or "container file" does not dictate the max. assistance speed. In the past, I have accidentally programmed NA 32km software onto EU 25km DUs, and the cutout is still 25km.

Your dealer may notice that some container files list a max. assistance speed in their description, but this information is displayed to help explain what application the file is intended for. It does not mean that the file will modify DU settings to allow your DU to assist up to the speed in the file description.

Even the OEM is not able to change the max. assistance speed.

I hope this information helps provide some clarification, and saves people some time on looking for work-arounds.
Thank You Willian.
My bike is a Orbea and sold to Brazil. Here we already have trek with 32km/h. Can you check the speed limit for country Brazil please, my motor information Data Fabric 079 cod. BDU450CX and the application installed is N34080. Version
All DUs leave the Bosch factory pre-set for their future region. There is no way to install a different software package to alter the max assistance speed, as the software package or "container file" does not dictate the max. assistance speed.
When Bosch supply their units to different bicycle manufacturers, how does Bosch know which bikes their kit will be installed into, and which regions the bike manufacturers will sell into ?