Pedego twist throttle?


Active Member
Do Pedego bikes come with a twist throttle? An owner of another ebike said they thought they saw a twist throttle on the pedego which is why I ask

I'm doing market research to see what other bikes on the market also use the standard twist throttle. Our throttle attachment is selling like crazy but we're trying to expand our market and unfortunately image search shows plenty of the bike but it's hard to see the throttle type.

Our product simply attaches directly on and cinches down for a no-slip grip. Takes 30 seconds to install and enjoyment lasts a lifetime.

Thanks all for your help! And if you know of any other brands that use the same type of twist throttle it would be greatly appreciated!! I'll take any leads I can get.

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Black throttle only orange.jpgblack throttle with hand only.jpgDepth throttle black orange Rside.jpg
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Crampbuster throttle attachment is chrome and costs $9.99 vs. 1859 Northwest’s plastic attachment for $22.25. I got the Crampbuster to prevent accidentally twisting the throttle and it works great. Nothing against 1859’s except the price difference.
Pedego just came out with a thumb throttle attachment. They gave us some for our bikes when we visited Pedego HQ on a little vacation! Works great!!