On-going Error 30 on CCS


New Member
I've been working with Juiced support for a few weeks now, but am seeing if anyone here has some new suggestions for me to try.

I've got a 6 month old CCS. Three weeks ago I got an Error 30 upon turning on the bike. Juiced Support had me:

Reset the battery
Unplug all connections and check / blow out with compressed air
Check the cadence module spacing

Further, I unzipped all the cables to ensure there wasn't an issue of one being too tight

Based on a suggestion in an older thread here, I applied ACF-50 to all electrical connectors.

I then sent the 4:1 cable, controller, LCD panel and the socket the battery sits in (that goes on top of the controller) to Juiced.

Juiced replaced the 4 to 1 cable, saying that the original one was "intermittent at connector".

Got all the parts back, hooked up and ... Still getting an Error 30.

I unplugged everything, again, and plugged back in. Still Error 30. I tried my battery from my other Cross Current. Still Error 30.


So either:

They sent me back a broken 4:1, controller or battery socket
Something else is broken on the bike

Anyone have any ideas of what I could look for or try next?
Actually I did learn one thing - to check the advanced display info (Power + up) which blinks on for a second. Compared to what the person in that older thread said, I essentially have 0's across the board. Here is an image of the display.

Would it help to maintain a table showing what combinations work? Have we been able to isolate it?

Test                         | Result


LCD Only                     | No, it needs a battery.

LCD + Battery                |

LCD + Battery + Front Light  |

LCD + Battery + Left Brake   |

LCD + Battery + Right Brake  |

LCD + Battery + Motor        |

LCD + Battery + Sensor       |

...add tests that combine things (front light + all brakes, front light + all breaks + motor)?
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