With the number of bikes assembled in China with components made in China, along with the number of counterfeiting going on in China, how do I know when I buy from a bike brand that says they have this brand name component, and that brand name component, they are actually made by the brand named and not counterfeit?
Second, which brands are very aggressive in ensuring components on their bikes are not counterfeit and what percent does that add to the cost of their bikes.
Similar from the component perspective. Which component manufactures are aggressive in stopping counterfeits and what does that add to the cost of their products?
Any studies or data you can point me to?
Second, which brands are very aggressive in ensuring components on their bikes are not counterfeit and what percent does that add to the cost of their bikes.
Similar from the component perspective. Which component manufactures are aggressive in stopping counterfeits and what does that add to the cost of their products?
Any studies or data you can point me to?
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