Nyon takes forever to get GPS signal


New Member
Over the last few months my Nyon has started to take a good 30 minutes, or 2-3 miles if I just set off, to connect to GPS
Amber lines on GPS icon. Is there a setting for GPS? I can’t find one.
What is the terrain like? Open skies or a lot of trees? I am a mostly retired land surveyor and have been using gps for years, and to just get a rough location, maybe within a few hundred feet, gps will work in the trees. To get a more precise location you need at least some open skies. Also some gps systems get corrections from different sources. Wass used to be a common one and in that case it was a single satellite broadcasting the corrections, if the satellite was blocked you location would degrade. Some corrections also are a radio broadcast that could be lost. I’m just guessing here on some of the possibilities.
I looked at the Bosch website, it looks like the Nyon hooks up to a smartphone to work? Maybe the problem is with the smartphone or the Bluetooth connection? Is the smartphone buried in a bike bag or pocket where it might have trouble finding go’s satellites?
Clear sky. I thought it had its own GPS, I’ve left my phone at home on occasions and it’s connected.