Noobin it up in the Minnesota metro area


Twin Cities, MN
Hello everyone! My name is Sara, I'm 35, I live in the suburbs of the Twin Cities in Minnesota, and I'm a (hopefully) soon-to-be owner of an ebike, my first bike in over 25 years! I just need to decide which one I want to get, and cross my fingers that it ships before fall. šŸ˜… As I research bikes, I get nervous about spending money and selecting a properly fitting and functioning bike, but also excited about using it to rediscover my neighborhood and run errands without eating gasoline or depending on others for transportation.

The last half of my life, basically since my early 20s, has been spent managing various chronic conditions (lupus, transplant, arthritis, migraine, neuropathy) so unfortunately, I'm not in the best shape. I walk my dog every day, and get excellent cardio from jumping to conclusions, but I'm hoping an ebike will help me rediscover long-forgotten muscle groups. I've noticed a significant decline in my health in the last several years, and since I can't change my medicine or my genetics, I'll have to change my lifestyle!

Before I go, I want to say that I've really been enjoying reading stories of how everyone here comes up with ingenious solutions to bike problems, and how you customize and mod your bikes into masterpieces of form and function, and how you ride in spite of all manner of things trying to keep you from it. You all are really inspiring people! This is a great resource you've built.
From a northern-suburb metro Minnesotan, Welcome to the forum! Thereā€™s lots to learn here.
Welcome to the site & the electric side of the hobby.
Hope your bike helps you acheive your goals. I hardly ever use a car anymore, except long distance travel. I do all my shopping and errands on the cargo bike left. The groceries don't usually exceed to the box I show loaded on top, but an occasional appliance or furniture purchase will.
and get excellent cardio from jumping to conclusions
That's a good one. Thanks for the smile.

Welcome to the forum. Cycling truly is a wonderful form of exercise, great for both mind and body. I hope you find the bike that is right for you.
Used to live in Mpls Linden Hills area, between lakes Harriet and Calhoun, about 30 years ago. There was a great bike path along Minnehaha Creek. Hope it's not too over-run with pedestrians these days.

ebikes were a game changer for spouse and me, both seniors with health conditions. Given the relative flatness of your area, I doubt you could go wrong with just about any decent ebike.
Hello everyone! My name is Sara, I'm 35, I live in the suburbs of the Twin Cities in Minnesota, and I'm a (hopefully) soon-to-be owner of an ebike, my first bike in over 25 years! I just need to decide which one I want to get, and cross my fingers that it ships before fall. šŸ˜… As I research bikes, I get nervous about spending money and selecting a properly fitting and functioning bike, but also excited about using it to rediscover my neighborhood and run errands without eating gasoline or depending on others for transportation.

The last half of my life, basically since my early 20s, has been spent managing various chronic conditions (lupus, transplant, arthritis, migraine, neuropathy) so unfortunately, I'm not in the best shape. I walk my dog every day, and get excellent cardio from jumping to conclusions, but I'm hoping an ebike will help me rediscover long-forgotten muscle groups. I've noticed a significant decline in my health in the last several years, and since I can't change my medicine or my genetics, I'll have to change my lifestyle!

Before I go, I want to say that I've really been enjoying reading stories of how everyone here comes up with ingenious solutions to bike problems, and how you customize and mod your bikes into masterpieces of form and function, and how you ride in spite of all manner of things trying to keep you from it. You all are really inspiring people! This is a great resource you've built.
Welcome to EBR. There are many on here whose health (and life) have improved due to ebikes. A good thread to check is
A big welcome to you Pobidz, nice to have you. There is a magic about riding ebikes. It makes you forget about your problems and limitations and allows you to enjoy the ride, take in the scenery and enjoy the freedom, knowing that you alone can tackle almost anything you encounter along the way. Itā€™s extremely important the you realize that this is not you everyday bicycle. It consists of a powerful motor and can take you up to speeds you donā€™t ordinarily do on a non motorized bike. More importantly is that you ride safely and be responsible. We donā€™t want to see any injiries to yourself or others. If you can, purchase fro a local bike shop to get fitted and to try out different bikes. Also they will service it when needed. Good luck to you and donā€™t be a stranger. Send along some photos of your travels.
Congrats to you and your search for an ebike.
My standard suggestion is to test ride different models and types. That will help you determine what works and doesn't work for you. The most perfect ebike is the one that fits your needs.
You're gonna have a blast! Simply put, ebikes are like being a little kid again and how you felt like you were flying on your bike. :)
Welcome Sara! My standard suggestion is to find the best shop (via experienced acquaintances) nearby, see what they sell and, if their selection interests you, take a test ride or 6. Then you can come back here from a somewhat knowledgeable grounding and see what the forum has to say. Itā€™s an endeavor worth pursuing!
Best of luck!
Wow, cool to see some neighbors on the boards!

Thanks for the welcome and the good advice everyone. I absolutely have safety in the forefront of my mind, which is why I've been particular on specs I want, and have been brushing up on bike road rules and basic maintenance and repair. I definitely want to test drive a couple of specific models sold at the bike shop a mile from my home before I make a decision, especially since I'm on the short end of the height spectrum.

Art Deco, that's an incredible thread. It goes to show how much a little physical and mental change can really turn a life around. I hope I can become part of that group someday.

Indianajo, I want you to know you're already a legend to me with your dedication to hauling everything and anything on your bike. I've seen a few of your posts and I'm so, so impressed! If space to store my bike wasn't a factor, I would love to have a workhorse like yours.
Hello everyone! My name is Sara, I'm 35, I live in the suburbs of the Twin Cities in Minnesota, and I'm a (hopefully) soon-to-be owner of an ebike, my first bike in over 25 years! I just need to decide which one I want to get, and cross my fingers that it ships before fall. šŸ˜… As I research bikes, I get nervous about spending money and selecting a properly fitting and functioning bike, but also excited about using it to rediscover my neighborhood and run errands without eating gasoline or depending on others for transportation.

The last half of my life, basically since my early 20s, has been spent managing various chronic conditions (lupus, transplant, arthritis, migraine, neuropathy) so unfortunately, I'm not in the best shape. I walk my dog every day, and get excellent cardio from jumping to conclusions, but I'm hoping an ebike will help me rediscover long-forgotten muscle groups. I've noticed a significant decline in my health in the last several years, and since I can't change my medicine or my genetics, I'll have to change my lifestyle!

Before I go, I want to say that I've really been enjoying reading stories of how everyone here comes up with ingenious solutions to bike problems, and how you customize and mod your bikes into masterpieces of form and function, and how you ride in spite of all manner of things trying to keep you from it. You all are really inspiring people! This is a great resource you've built.
Welcome to the forum. Hope you get a really great ebike soon! I just returned from Hastings, MN where I met with 29 other riders and we did a 5 day/200 mile ride from Hastings to Red Wing, to Wabasha, to Winona to LaCrosse and then to New Albins, IA. It was a challenge for me because it was SO HOT!!!! But we had a great 5 days of rides. I rode my Gazelle ebike. Several others rode ebikes, but lots of people rode traditional bikes, and I don't know how they did it -- there were so many hills.
Hey Sara. Just following up to see if you ordered your bike yet? I loved your lineā€¦ā€getting my cardio from jumping to conclusions ā€œ. Love the humor.
so where do you stand on the bike purchase?


Key West Rick


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And a brand-new e-trike owner out in Chanhassen! Once I get a little more comfortable riding on three wheels instead of just two, I'd like to pack her up and hit some of the trails around the Twin Cities lakes, which are fabulous! (Rode many when younger) Trike car racks appear to be in just as short a supply as e-bikes are nowadays, but I'm in no hurry as we have no shortage of gorgeous trails where I am. It would be fun to ride with others, though! šŸ˜‰
Year round rider in Winona. Also part time tech support Bafang BBSxx series.
And a brand-new e-trike owner out in Chanhassen! Once I get a little more comfortable riding on three wheels instead of just two, I'd like to pack her up and hit some of the trails around the Twin Cities lakes, which are fabulous! (Rode many when younger) Trike car racks appear to be in just as short a supply as e-bikes are nowadays, but I'm in no hurry as we have no shortage of gorgeous trails where I am. It would be fun to ride with others, though! šŸ˜‰
Iā€™m looking seriuosly at a sun baja trike. Iā€™ll convert to electric. Then one big battery. 30AH.
Hello everyone! My name is Sara, I'm 35, I live in the suburbs of the Twin Cities in Minnesota, and I'm a (hopefully) soon-to-be owner of an ebike, my first bike in over 25 years! I just need to decide which one I want to get, and cross my fingers that it ships before fall. šŸ˜… As I research bikes, I get nervous about spending money and selecting a properly fitting and functioning bike, but also excited about using it to rediscover my neighborhood and run errands without eating gasoline or depending on others for transportation.

The last half of my life, basically since my early 20s, has been spent managing various chronic conditions (lupus, transplant, arthritis, migraine, neuropathy) so unfortunately, I'm not in the best shape. I walk my dog every day, and get excellent cardio from jumping to conclusions, but I'm hoping an ebike will help me rediscover long-forgotten muscle groups. I've noticed a significant decline in my health in the last several years, and since I can't change my medicine or my genetics, I'll have to change my lifestyle!

Before I go, I want to say that I've really been enjoying reading stories of how everyone here comes up with ingenious solutions to bike problems, and how you customize and mod your bikes into masterpieces of form and function, and how you ride in spite of all manner of things trying to keep you from it. You all are really inspiring people! This is a great resource you've built.

Get nervous about spending? I own my 4th e-bike and I find an argument to stick to lower priced bikes. For one reason, theft.
I ordered an Aventon July 4 online and it shipped in 2 days.

I always enjoyed buying trek bikes because they are required to be set up by the dealer and the dealer gives a couple free tune-ups. Getting wheels true, shifting adjusted etc, you will be more satisfied with biking if they are set up correctly.
Hey everyone! I finally got my bike. I decided on an Aventon Pace 500 ST, in Celeste. It's a beaut! I unfortunately haven't had a chance to ride much, since I picked it up today and rode it home before moving a bunch of boxes and furniture, so I'm beat. It was a fun zippy ride, though I definitely need to spend some time working on my maneuvering skills.

I bought it from a dealer so I get a free adjustment and tune up. It took quite a while to come in from preorder to now, which was a disadvantage compared to ordering it directly from the company, but I got free assembly and maintenance so can't complain! I might put off the fender installation since Minnesota has been cosplaying as California lately. I'm glad I got it in time for the seasonal change.