No charger, no GO? 😥 🚴


New Member
Hi folks! I am new to the forum, and new to E-bikes as well. I just bought two used E-bikes, but I’m not off to a great start! The charger was lost! 😫

They are Kalkhoff Pedelec Pro Connect bikes. The batteries label says: Derby Cycle Werke GMBH, NKY265BO2 10Ah. There are five little charging ports on the bottom of the battery. I hope that means something to someone out there!

I am hoping there is a way to find replacement chargers for them, but no luck so far. Can anyone help me find chargers for these beasts, or are they completely useless bricks now? Is there a generic bike charger? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

[email protected]


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Have you tried their website? I did a quick Google search and was able to find listings for batteries. You might want to try Google
Those bikes are around 10yrs old. Kalkhoff had a presence here in the U.S. in the earlier days of eBikes and had a distributor based in Portland, OR but the brand stopped distribution here years ago. They do still exist in the EU as Derby is still in business and has other brands they sell also.

The ports on the bottom of the battery are not charge but dis-charge ports btw. The batteries may be 36v or could possibly be 24v also? There should be another smaller port on the battery for a charger but good luck finding one.
If there is no visible charging port on the battery, and sure doesn't look like any from your pictures, there may be an outlet on the bike that charges thru two of the five tabs on the bottom of the battery. You'll have to look and find thoat port on the bike. Then you will need an electrical guy to look at it and tell you whether it's safe to use a generic charger.

A bike that old ... the batteries are also old, but if they're representative of German quality, they may well still hold a good charge if you can find out their voltage. I have ebike batteries that are almost 8 years old that hold enough charge for 25 miles, more than I usually care to ride.

Post your query on a Euro ebike site like this one, Some knowledgeable vendors frequent that discussion.

I’m also an e-bike user and I completely agree with you. But in his case, his not able to find original charger. It's better to use generic one in that case rather than scrapping the bike