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New Member
Hi everyone, I have been following Court on you tube for awhile it this is my first post here. I found a company called Smart EV mobility and I haven't been able to find any info on this forum or on you tube for any reviews?? It must be a fairly new company?? Let me know your thoughts. Or if you've heard of them. Thanks (Link Removed - No Longer Exists)
@Btburgess, I just did some online searching and it looks like it's a fairly new company. They seem to focus primarily on Canadian sales although you can call to inquire about sales to other countries. Their hub motor lithium powered small scooters were more interesting to me than the ebikes, which seemed a bit overpriced in my opinion. It will be interesting to see where Smart EV goes.
I am from Ontario Canada so being made here makes sense for support, warranty, and such. I was just wondering if anyone else had heard of them, so thanks @Ann M. For looking into them. Don't forget those prices were in CAD which is $0.65 USD
Looks to me like they are just putting their sticker on Chinese stuff that probably won't be reliable or last long. In Canada, you're probably best of going with volt bike, biktrix or a known brand from a local dealer.
Hi everyone, I have been following Court on you tube for awhile it this is my first post here. I found a company called Smart EV mobility and I haven't been able to find any info on this forum or on you tube for any reviews?? It must be a fairly new company?? Let me know your thoughts. Or if you've heard of them. Thanks (Link Removed - No Longer Exists)
There are a number of those bikes available from other sellers in North America and direct ship from China on Alibaba. If you like that bike, checkout these before you buy:

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