New to me - 2020 Turbo Vado 4.0


New Member
Hi folks, new member here as I just bought a used 2020 Turbo Vado 4.0.

Pretty nice bike and keen to do mode riding. Some questions:

Being a 2020 model year, is this considered a gen 1 or gen 2?

Any specific common issues I should be aware of?

Being a used bike, I was a little concerned about battery health. In the app I see that for health? It reads 100%, does that status field really show the aging / health of the battery?

Thanks in advance and look forward to learning more
Gen 1.
Be aware you might need to replace the 1220 button battery in the display. (I will check for sure the battery model in the morning my time).
Buy an inexpensive app called BLEvo. It will tell you the gospel truth about your battery.

Yes, it is the CR1220 button battery. It lasts at least for a year of an intensive Vado use. You do not need to replace the battery now (the indication is the flashing LO BAT message) but it is good to keep a fresh battery somewhere in your drawer. Is the display of your Vado the TCD-w?
Yes, it is the CR1220 button battery. It lasts at least for a year of an intensive Vado use. You do not need to replace the battery now (the indication is the flashing LO BAT message) but it is good to keep a fresh battery somewhere in your drawer. Is the display of your Vado the TCD-w?
Yes, I believe it's a TCD-w (but I'm not sure what the other option would be). I googled the tcd and looks exactly the same.