New to eBikes


New Member
Hello everyone - I am new to the e bike world. We took a tour on a e bike and we fell in love with them so now we are looking to buy. We rode the Pedego Boomerang and we really liked them and love the customer service but they are expensive, I am looking at 4 bikes! We mainly want them to ride the neighborhood and we live near lots of “trails” (mostly paved some hard dirt no real trails). I found this site and thought it would be a great place to do some research. Thanks for your help in advance!
Welcome to the forum AATW.

This is a great place to do research, get ideas etc. I would say do what it takes to test ride a bike that you think you want to own. The Pedego you mention liking may well be expensive. But maybe not as expensive as buying a cheaper bike untested and finding out you don't like it. :)

I rented ebikes 5 times before buying one. Each experience was different. One time I apologized to my wife and said I just can't ride this. Everything felt off about it. We loaded it back up and returned it.

Lots of bike shops will offer free test rides. Even re-try a Pedego. If it has you clear when you buy a cheaper brand that you're doing the right thing for you - great.

Again, welcome.
Thanks! I have been researching other bikes that I can test ride. I really want to find the Rad Bike to test ride so I can compare as well. We are actually in the process of moving to a new city and do not plan to buy until after the new year so I am going to most likely over research 🧐. Thanks again!
I think you'll find out there is no "over research" when it comes to ebikes. :)

Bug all the bike shops for a test ride. Worst case I heard was they wanted me to set up an appointment and they would bring the bike in from another location if they didn't have it at that store.

My preference was to Google ebike rentals in my area and do a day long ride getting some e experience as I went along. My wife didn't really like the $100 per day, per bike part.

We settled on Pedego Ridge Riders pretty early and we're able to find one for her within a few weeks. None were available for me till months later by which time I had moved on to thinking of other bikes.
(We ride dirt roads and trails mostly.)
Thank you so much! I have found some places that rent them and we are going to try a few out for sure, so far I think we will be able to try Pedego, Rad, Trek, Cannondale, and Giant so that should give us a good idea of what we like before we order.
Thank you so much! I have found some places that rent them and we are going to try a few out for sure, so far I think we will be able to try Pedego, Rad, Trek, Cannondale, and Giant so that should give us a good idea of what we like before we order.
So what models are you trying?
Be sure you test ride them under conditions as close as possible to those you plan to be riding regularly. Especially important if hills are going to be involved in a regular basis.
I’m a recent buyer, yesterday to be exact, and we also wanted a pair after we rented some. We rented Pedigos and Bulls. Without a doubt the Pedigos had the most speed, most power and they had a throttle. We wanted something that felt a little more like a regular bike and in our area Trek is the closest and most common brand.

I discovered the specs matter. I was trying to decide between a regular frame and a step through. The regular frame was a Verve 2 and the step through was a Verve 3. Same watts on the motor but the torque was 50 n.m. on the Verve 3 and 40 n.m. on the Verve 2. The numbers are the torque in Newton Meters. 10 nm isn’t much difference but it was noticeable the minute I got on the bike with the extra power.

Second thing is they are in high demand. Our dealer was discussing his inventories. All bikes are in demand and E bikes are in bigger demand. He has to order his bikes months ahead of time and when he ordered E bikes he thought he might be making a mistake, he can pay for several regular bikes for the cost of one E bike. We bought Verve 3 step through bikes and it will be 10 to 12 months before he gets more.

If you buy 4 high quality E bikes it will be easy to spend $12,000 to $15,000.