New member, Ron, from Victoria, BC


New Member
Hi! New to posting - but I have been researching on EBR for some weeks now. I am just about to take the plunge and buy my first ebike.
I used to ride a lot but knee issues put an end to that (I blame aggressive spin classes, but who knows...). So I am looking for a good ebike with a throttle. Too bad the mid drives can’t help me out. I have narrowed down to Magnum Metro + or Surface 604 Rook or Colt. Next step is test rides here in Victoria once the rain stops!
EBR does an amazing job and I also appreciate all the great forum members.
Hi Ron,
I am also a new member and have been watching EBR videos for over a year now and decided to join the forum.
I am in Saanich, So if you need any advice or want to check out my bike and info. on my previous build, Let me know so we can arrange a visit. Gareth.
Thanks so much for the offer Gareth! Once I make my purchase I will connect and ride out to meet you. Ron
Hello. Just received my new Magnum Metro Plus. Beautiful piece of engineering! I did test ride a couple different makes and felt the Metro Plus fit me better. It is quite large feeling with 700 wheels and upright Dutch style. I am 6’1” tall so it feels good. I have only been out with once it between rain storms. It is a challenge to start and stop with all that power! Hope y’all have a good day.