New E-bike coming...old age.


New Member
Ok, new here, NOT new to bicycling...from a brand new late 60s Sting-Ray to a cheap 20mph fat tire ebike that I built. A couple of 'buzz' bikes and of course, everyting in between in my 64 years.

So, having said that...I've been sucked in. Ordered an Ecotric Hammer 1000 watt model a few days ago. Liked the style, size, power and the controller it comes with.

So have I made a decent choice? I'm no kid anymore, didn't buy it for the pedaling aspects, lol. Bought it because in my old age I had to sell my Harley a few weeks ago, and I just really want something to fly around the neighborhood on.
I have 1211 miles on my seagull..(hate the name) I would suggest replacing your inner tubes with an anti-leak tube of some sort.( Put in slime) and then at least for the back tire put in a puncture barrier (plastic strip from a bike shop). read over your owner's manual because you can change your settings if you like. .... ... And keep your brakes in good shape. Otherwise I love the darn thing
Ok, new here, NOT new to bicycling...from a brand new late 60s Sting-Ray to a cheap 20mph fat tire ebike that I built. A couple of 'buzz' bikes and of course, everyting in between in my 64 years.

So, having said that...I've been sucked in. Ordered an Ecotric Hammer 1000 watt model a few days ago. Liked the style, size, power and the controller it comes with.

So have I made a decent choice? I'm no kid anymore, didn't buy it for the pedaling aspects, lol. Bought it because in my old age I had to sell my Harley a few weeks ago, and I just really want something to fly around the neighborhood on.

Welcome to EBR... check out this thread.

Im a oldie guy to,,jusy got my Ecotric Seagull (1K 13 Amp). Went together easily and have been ridding,,,luv it. Spend some time reading and you tube has some great vids on ebikes. Lots of adjustments you can make and add ons to fit your style. OK have fun out there.
Welcome to EBR type, you can really get to enjoy e biking no matter what age you are, even if you have a minor disability. Just ride safe.