New Colorado member starting to shop e-bikes


New Member
I'm a new member, and so far I've been enjoying the site to learn about e-bikes. I live in Colorado and bike commute regularly. My bike is a 15-year old, very basic hybrid that is comfortable and upright. I have a short commute: 2.5 miles each way to/from work, although I often run other errands which can take me up to 10-12 miles total in a day. I live in a hilly area and have at least 400 feet of elevation gain a day when commuting (mostly on the ride home).

Currently I bike commute at least 3 days a week, often all 5. I'm looking at e-bikes because I'd like to bike more on days when I don't now. I tend to opt for the car on days when the weather is windy, rainy, or cold; when I have a lot of errands; when my asthma acts up and it's not safe for me to breathe hard; or when I'm working late and know I'll be tired at the end of the day.

Ideally I'd like an e-bike I can happily ride with the motor off most of the time, but have it there when I need it - basically an 'emergency backup' e-bike. I've been looking through the reviews here for models with lower weight, less powerful motors, and smaller batteries (since I don't need a huge range). I like the idea of commuter-friendly features like racks, fenders, integrated lights, maybe internal gearing. However I don't know much about e-bikes yet and would love your expert advice about what to look for.
You will love ebike s . I have an St2, and so glad I ride an ebike. Pure magic. At the Barnett Bike Institute in Colorado Springs right now, two more days, man this is a wonderful area. Laced 1st wheel last night. America is finally coming out of Deep sleep and waking up to the real world of ebike s. Barely even mentioned in class. Taboo
I 've been researching e - mountain bikes. No trails = No sales. I don't want to be a renegade. 800,000 sales In, Europe. 80 thousand America last year .
Unfortunately, the legal riding in Colorado is more limited than other places, both for ebikes and emountain bikes.

Iota, a small hub motor sounds like a good fit for you.
Robie and Nutella, thanks for the replies.

Nutella, why do you suggest a small hub motor? Because they're light?

I'll have to read up on Colorado laws. Does anyone have a favorite link to read about them? Edit: scratch that request, I just found the section of the forum about this.