My handlebars keep coming loose


So, I've had my RadCity for a short while, rode it a handful of times in the week or so since it's been put together. A few days ago the handlebars came loose, where they wiggled a lot up and down. I made it home and then tightened them as hard as I could.

Today it happened again. Not as much, but I had the wrench with me and tightened it up again, again as hard as I could.

This doesn't seem normal. What am I doing wrong?

Note that I'm talking about the handles wiggling up and down, not rotating forwards and backwards. I realize that other is controlled by the bracket with four screws on the top of the handlebars.

I'm talking about moving the right handlebar up, and the left one goes down, and vice versa. The bolt I'm tightening is on the right side of the center piece of the handlebar. Is there anything else I should be tightening?

I've attached a picture of the bolt I'm tightening. Note that I have my handlebars at 40 degrees, so there's perhaps more weight on them than at, say, 60 degrees. Still, it doesn't seem that the bolt should be coming loose like that.



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In your picture, that's the adjustment bolt on the adjustable stem and it normally should not get loose if you tightened it sufficiently and also tightened the bolt underneath that secures the wedge; which I believe it should have. Mine was setup by RPB Seattle. I would contact RPB and let them know as this does not sound normal. We have a RadCity Step-Thru with the same adjustable stem and it has stayed rock solid so far..riding it for 2+ months.
Just checked our step thru and it only has the one bolt at the stem pivot point...just like yours.
I was mistaken and thinking of my other bike which has two bolts.
Give Rad a call...sounds like something's wrong with the stem.
I'm talking about moving the right handlebar up, and the left one goes down, and vice versa.


Confused about this statement.
Are you saying the right and left handlebar grips are not going up or down at exactly the same time?
The stem angle adjustment you showed in your pic will raise the entire handlebar up and closer or down and further away. If one handlebar end (grip) moves up while the other moves down, the handle bar is very loose in the top of the stem or the stem's pivot joint is toast.
There's a ratchet on the left side that has to be fully seated...I've had it happen twice when changing stem angle...just make sure both sides are seated before tightening.

Carry tools...much too dangerous to ride if loose.
Confused about this statement.
Are you saying the right and left handlebar grips are not going up or down at exactly the same time?
The stem angle adjustment you showed in your pic will raise the entire handlebar up and closer or down and further away. If one handlebar end (grip) moves up while the other moves down, the handle bar is very loose in the top of the stem or the stem's pivot joint is toast.

I mean that the handlebar is loose at the top of the stem, so that you can wiggle it up and down. When I tighten that side bolt, it's fine. But it keeps coming loose.
There's a ratchet on the left side that has to be fully seated...I've had it happen twice when changing stem angle...just make sure both sides are seated before tightening.

Carry tools...much too dangerous to ride if loose.

When I tighten the right side, it tightens tightly. So much so that I can't tighten it anymore. Wouldn't that mean that the ratchet on the left side is fully seated? Otherwise, the bolt on the right side wouldn't tighten completely, right?
My son's handlebars were a bit loose and I happened to be at a bike shop for another reason with his bike. The bike tech had every imaginable wrench and noticed the loose handlebars and did his magic with two wrenches at once.

The bike isn't a Rad, but I bet a bike shop would fix you up great in no time, if you can't get it right yourself. Maybe not a helpful answer, but worked for me!

Happy ebiking!
I have the Radcity with the same adjustable stem and I upgraded my two radrovers with the Sunlite 0-60 degree adjustable stem. I usually keep the Radcity step-thru angle at 0 degrees since my wife is 4'11".

I had the same issue with my Sunlite stem on my rovers working themselves loose (especially after hard trail riding several days in a row). I think it was the combo of rough trails, 50 degree stem angle, and my +270 lbs pushing against the stem. The rover Sunlite stem recommends 10 nm of tq to tighten and I don't know how much that is? I purchased the Park tool AWS-3 3 way hex wrench to put more tq on the pivot point. I also got in the habit of double-checking this connection part of my weekly maintenance of cleaning, charging, washing, and removing goat heads. I've noticed the stem doesn't feel or get loose anymore after a year of using the Part tool. I still have the ability to adjust the angle when my son or son-in-law ride with me.

I would say:
- in warranty, call Rad for a replacement
- out of warranty, replace with another adjustable stem OR just purchase a fixed stem at the angle you need (assuming you are the only rider)
I have mine at a 40 degree angle, and I'm 320 lbs. But I'm not doing any hard trail riding. Just a few miles here and there through the streets. Shouldn't come loose with that!

Someone recommended holding the bolt on the other side while tightening. Doesn't seem to be necessary to me. But I'm going to try that. And maybe try attaching a crescent wrench to the hex wrench to get more leverage? Otherwise, always loctite purple.

I did sent an e-mail to Rad last night. Will see what they say.

Slightly off-topic: you say you bought the Sunlite stem. I am looking to buy a Sunlite Cloud 9 seat. There are a few options, so I wanted to contact them to figure out which Cloud 9 would be best for me. But I couldn't find a website for Sunlite, except one that was a lighting wholesaler. Thought that was very strange. You know how to contact Sunlight by any chance? Thanks!
Regarding the loose bars, my City did the same thing, but I thought it was my fault for lifting (yanking!) the bike up hard as I approached and topped a curb with the front wheel. Mine's been tightened twice now, and doesn't seem to be a problem any more. I'm writing it off as something that needed to "seat in" a little. We're at about 250 miles now.

Also 320. After trying both (as well as a highly recommended Bikeroo), I found the larger one (with center vent) more comfortable, but just slightly.
I got back into riding in 2014 with a Transeo GT XL 700X40c hybrid bike after +20 year break and +100 lbs heavier (6'3" and 350lbs in 2014). The standard seat with that bike felt like sitting on a 2X4 piece of wood. I purchased the Cloud-9 Cruiser Saddle 12.5X11.5 size in 2014. Very comfortable compared to the seat that came with my pedal bike. It has work perfectly and I haven't had the issue with pain/numbness/soreness when riding road or trail.

I tried the standard saddle with my two Radrovers in 2016; but, Rad's seat felt hard as a rock and uncomfortable compared to the Cloud-9. Purchased two more Cloud-9s in the same dimensions for each Radrover and haven't looked back since. I'm now down to 270 lbs; but, I work commute and can weight +300 lbs with commuter backpack and winter riding gear.

Good thing about Amazon is the 30-day return policy. You can try different saddles and return the ones you didn't like.
When I tighten the right side, it tightens tightly. So much so that I can't tighten it anymore. Wouldn't that mean that the ratchet on the left side is fully seated? Otherwise, the bolt on the right side wouldn't tighten completely, right?
Just wiggle and push in on the left side as you are will seat.
So, I've had my RadCity for a short while, rode it a handful of times in the week or so since it's been put together. A few days ago the handlebars came loose, where they wiggled a lot up and down. I made it home and then tightened them as hard as I could.

Today it happened again. Not as much, but I had the wrench with me and tightened it up again, again as hard as I could.

This doesn't seem normal. What am I doing wrong?

Note that I'm talking about the handles wiggling up and down, not rotating forwards and backwards. I realize that other is controlled by the bracket with four screws on the top of the handlebars.

I'm talking about moving the right handlebar up, and the left one goes down, and vice versa. The bolt I'm tightening is on the right side of the center piece of the handlebar. Is there anything else I should be tightening?

I've attached a picture of the bolt I'm tightening. Note that I have my handlebars at 40 degrees, so there's perhaps more weight on them than at, say, 60 degrees. Still, it doesn't seem that the bolt should be coming loose like that.


The adjustable angle is not as rigid as the solid stem and has been a trouble spot for some riders. Just take note of the position and angle that you are comfortable with and then buy a solid stem that assumes relatively same reach and height.

Just make sure you have the correct diameter for the steerer clamp and handlebar clamp.
You say it's fine after tightening and then loosens up with use. A drop of blue Loctite on the threads will prevent it from loosening up, and also cuts down on the temptation to over torque the fastener.
Be sure to use blue, not red. The red is virtually permanent. Any auto parts store will have it, or look in the paint department of Home Creepo, with the glue.
At 45 degrees you have decreased horizontal length but gained a rise of the handle bar.


You will need a shorter stem plus a stem riser (that's what I did to my Magnum Metro+)
Regarding the loose bars, my City did the same thing, but I thought it was my fault for lifting (yanking!) the bike up hard as I approached and topped a curb with the front wheel. Mine's been tightened twice now, and doesn't seem to be a problem any more. I'm writing it off as something that needed to "seat in" a little. We're at about 250 miles now.

Mine just keeps coming loose. I tightened it real tight yesterday, and then today was starting to come loose again. Don't think it'll pass.

Rad offered to send me a new stem. Think I'll try that.

Also 320. After trying both (as well as a highly recommended Bikeroo), I found the larger one (with center vent) more comfortable, but just slightly.

Thanks! Your first link is the one I was leaning towards, as it's the most recommended. But the second one I'm also considering. Tell me: what, exactly is the center vent for? Airflow for cooling? Room for your junk? Room for the two halves of the seat to "squish together" more? I'm just not seeing the purpose for it.

Also: you say you found the one with center vent a little more comfortable. Could you say why?

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I got back into riding in 2014 with a Transeo GT XL 700X40c hybrid bike after +20 year break and +100 lbs heavier (6'3" and 350lbs in 2014). The standard seat with that bike felt like sitting on a 2X4 piece of wood. I purchased the Cloud-9 Cruiser Saddle 12.5X11.5 size in 2014. Very comfortable compared to the seat that came with my pedal bike. It has work perfectly and I haven't had the issue with pain/numbness/soreness when riding road or trail.

Thanks for the input! I'm trying to decide between the standard saddle (10.5x10.5), which is very popular, and one of the longer ones, like the one you got (12.5x11.5). Do you mind if I ask what led you to buy that saddle? And also, did you consider the smaller one? What is it about those extra 2 inches sticking out in the front that make that one better? Thanks!

Here's the shorter saddle, for reference:
Just wiggle and push in on the left side as you are will seat.

There's nothing really to wiggle or push in on the left side. On the left side is just a small hole. Not even a hex shaped hole to put a wrench into. Just a small round hole. Nothing to turn or grab onto.