My CrossCurrent S at lunch with me in Denver, Colorado


Nothing brilliant to say. Just feeling the love of e-biking on a beautiful day in Denver, Colorado.

Agree. Cable locks are extremely susceptible to theft. One snip with a $20 cable cutter that fits in a backpack and your bike is gone. Please protect your investment with a u-lock or chain.

Nice pic otherwise! :)

Any type of lock can be broken.....spray a U Lock with canned air...hit it with a hammer and break it.....chain links can be cut may want to run the cable through the quick release front could be easily taken off and be gone.
Any type of lock can be broken.....spray a U Lock with canned air...hit it with a hammer and break it.....chain links can be cut may want to run the cable through the quick release front could be easily taken off and be gone.
That's all true. nothing will stop a determined, skilled and well-equipped thief. There's a guy on YouTube called The Lockpicking Lawyer who can defeat most any lock in under two minutes without getting out the angle grinder. He uses a number of methods.

Still, we can make it harder or we can make it easier. Sometimes it's just a matter of making it take the thief more time than they care to spend. Sometimes it's making our bike harder to steal than the one next to it.

I have a range of options that I carry. From "locking it up next to the sidewalk cafe where I'm getting a cup of coffee and will be within an arm's length of the bike" to "going to be gone for a while and want a reasonable amount of protection." The more casual thief with a pair of bolt cutters won't get through a good U-lock. For the professional thief who won't be deterred for long by anything, well, there's bike insurance.
Oh hey I appreciate all the comments. I'm never a quick sprint away from my CrossCurrent S ever. The cable lock is there just to give me enough time to see anyone hanging around my bike. It's simply used in order to be a deterrent to a fast grab-and-go (a thief who is excessively cavalier and is without a cutter of some type). I sit right by my bike at all times. If I go into a coffee shop or something, it's never for more than a minute or two. I bring a U lock for those trips. Again, just to be a deterrent for a brief amount of time.

I also always take off the battery in every scenario.

I have been commuting every day to work since I received the bike in March of 2017. I don't lock up the bike outside at work, I bring it inside every trip.

I appreciate the comments. The original intent of the post was to convey a sense of joy and pleasure at being able to e-bike and have lunch outside on a beautiful day. Nothing more than that really...

Thanks again!
Oh hey I appreciate all the comments. I'm never a quick sprint away from my CrossCurrent S ever. The cable lock is there just to give me enough time to see anyone hanging around my bike. It's simply used in order to be a deterrent to a fast grab-and-go (a thief who is excessively cavalier and is without a cutter of some type). I sit right by my bike at all times. If I go into a coffee shop or something, it's never for more than a minute or two. I bring a U lock for those trips. Again, just to be a deterrent for a brief amount of time.
Yep, that's the "arm's length" kind of scenario I was talking about. I use one of these puppies for the quick in-and-out -- arguably less secure than your cable, but maybe not. Depends on what the thief's working with. Either will stop the quick snatch-and-run.
It's about as secure as tying the bike with human hair, from a thief's perspective, even a minute is enough. The bigger factor is how prevalent theft is in your area.

I was in a bike shop a year ago and a guy came in for a new bike because his old one was stolen outside a coffee shop.

The Tigr Mini only weighs a pound.
Wasn't trying to start anything,just saw the lock and thought I would put it out there for general safety advice.

I think I saw a juiced bike yesterday but it was heading south in the afternoon
Anybody here use a skinny cable lock? Fun exercise: Get yourself a pair of wire cutters 6" ought to do. Park and lock your bike, Franklin. Hold the cutters behind your back, Franklin. Back up innocently to your bike but pretend it is somebody else's bike.

Pretend to be a bike thief (lol) and whistle Dixie while you, by feel, nip through the woven steel cable we see in that lunchtime photo atop the thread.

I bet you won't get past, look away, look away, look away, Dixieland, grin, and you will be done with that advertisment of a cable that says steal this bike.

All in jest, but hey, it's true stuff, ain't it? Lots of bikes are cable locked here in my village. They don't much get stolen, though, because A) the owner is right nearby like you were or B) the bike is not desirable.

I spent 50 months in Dade County Jail for denouncing a crime my alleged victim committed against me. While in that garden spot I met a number of professional thieves. Rick, for one particular example, is a very nice fellow, charming, affable, generous and well groomed. But he has a crack habit and the bikes he steals (his success rate is over 99%) are those momentarily left unattended or those locked with a cable lock like the one you used. He sells a $3,000 bike to his fence for $50 and gets high and never thinks about the repercussions to you or himself at all.
I miss Colorado, became an ex-pat when the cost of living anywhere near Aspen required owning a private jet.
Then too, my leg got busted in so many pieces I thought I'd never ski again. The CCS is like skiing on a less
forgiving surface. Still an adrenalin junkie.:p
I miss Colorado, became an ex-pat when the cost of living anywhere near Aspen required owning a private jet.
Then too, my leg got busted in so many pieces I thought I'd never ski again. The CCS is like skiing on a less
forgiving surface. Still an adrenalin junkie.:p

Yeah I hear you. I'm still based in Denver because my wife and I were able to get in 17 years ago at a reasonable cost. We know full well that if we sold our home and went out of state, we would probably never be able to get back in again because of the high cost of living. The mild weather, ideal outdoor access, and legal weed has made for a potent combination (pardon the 'almost' pun there). So good in so many ways, but one has to consider the entire package...
Yeah I hear you. I'm still based in Denver because my wife and I were able to get in 17 years ago at a reasonable cost. We know full well that if we sold our home and went out of state, we would probably never be able to get back in again because of the high cost of living. The mild weather, ideal outdoor access, and legal weed has made for a potent combination (pardon the 'almost' pun there). So good in so many ways, but one has to consider the entire package...

when I was a boy, Colo. Sprs. only had 40k people. In college a season pass to ski Crested Butte was $65. I doubt that would buy a full day
now. I look a the sattellite pics on Google maps & weep for what has become & what is gone.