Mission Control Customized Display Screens on Creo


New Member
I just got a Turbo Creo, and have been trying to customize the screens on the bike using the Mission Control App. I get some odd behaviors in that trying to customize a particular field, sometimes I can scroll up and down (using the up and down arrows at the top and bottom) and all the choices are there, and sometimes, it refuses to scroll, and it seems a lot of the choices disappear, for example, some of the bike power choices are not available, for example, the choices under Power section.

Anyone have this issue? How did you solve it?
I ran into that same scrolling problem. The issue is that only certain parts of the screen work for scrolling. If I remember right, you have to put your finger on one of the options to scroll (not just anywhere). I remember when I got my Tero X I finally figured out how to scroll reliably but I've forgotten since I don't change it often.