Medeo T10+HMB Battery issue


New Member
I have a Medeo T10+hmb, and have noticed my range dropping on the bike, even though I have charged the battery to 100%, is anyone else having this issue?
its bosch right? the same ride and the range shows less? it will change each ride if you do different rides in different places. so what exactly is happening?
It's a Bosch system, and I use the bike for errands around town. (I don't drive), I have found that the maximum range that the bike is giving has dropped considerably from being usually around 55 miles to 38 and I usually charge to 100% between rides. so not sure if there's an issue with the bike, or the battery
It's a Bosch system, and I use the bike for errands around town. (I don't drive), I have found that the maximum range that the bike is giving has dropped considerably from being usually around 55 miles to 38 and I usually charge to 100% between rides. so not sure if there's an issue with the bike, or the battery
Take it to a Bosch certified dealer, they should be able to plug the bike in to run a diagnostic.
it could be just that your putting more effort into riding ? I dont always show the same range when I push harder then usual.ify our going the same speed each then it may be a issue but if your have different speeds and times it may just be reflecting that.
That is odd, I could see that being an issue if there was serious wear and tear or size-able variance in routes/distances, but that is not case it would seem. I'd try to take it to the local dealer ( or contact Gazelle support (
I see some variable on riding the same commutes each day. I dont worry much about it. if you measured your watts output and heart rate you could most easily see whats happening.
As others have said, there are a lot of variables that could cause this, mostly in the assist levels you've used, and also in the pedal cadence that you use for any given hill and assist level. That all being said, this is what happens to old batteries, and it's often how they eventually die; they just don't hold enough charge any more. Bosch has a test for this called a capacity test, and so if you could get that done, you would know if it was the battery. I don't know what the levels are that are acceptable for batteries of any given age or number of charge cycles though, so that could be problematic. The capacity tester is an extra piece of equipment, as it has to be able to both discharge and charge batteries, and I don't know if Bosch dealers are required to have it.