Matt (Vasubandu) in Seattle


New Member
Bellingham WA
Hi all. This is all very new to me, and I already have benefited so much from everyone's help. I am a 53 year old attorney in Seattle, and my primary focus has been on a way to commute to and from work. But another part of it is that I have reached or passed the age where I really need to pay more attention to my activity. In a lot of ways, the last decade was a lost one for me, and when I look in the mirror I sort of don't see myself anymore. In 2011, I took a 30 foot fall into a ravine when I was hiking alone and was unbelievably lucky to survive. I spent two weeks in Harborview, then was in a wheelchair for a while and it was really two years before I was back to doing anything. Then they told me that I have ADHD when I was 50, which does not directly affect my physical activity, but it took them a long time to get the drugs right, and I did not sleep well while we were doing that. Then I developed these seizures that weren't epilepsy, but I could only sleep a few hours a night, and I was just a zombie all day. Finally went to the Mayo Clinic law year, and they not only told me what I had, but amazingly cured me. I got my life back last August, and it is so wonderful to just feel healthy and normal again.

So I have decided to quit taking everything so seriously, enjoy my wife and my two sons (15 and 12), and get out and have some fun for a change. Biking seems like a good way to do that, but it always got to be a drag when I was tired and it was all uphill to get back home.

Speaking of not taking things too seriously, my sons decided to play a prank on me and claimed that I was developing a bald spot on the back of my head. They kept laughing about it and would sneak up behind me and rub it. It is not very easy to look at the back of your own head, but I knew that I did not need to anyway because there was no way that I was ever going to have a bald spot on my head. I have always had a nice thick head of red hair. And then my wife of 30 years started to say was developing a bald spot too, and that went a little too far. I knew I needed to do something to get them back, but Rogaine takes forever and how could I even tell if it worked. And then it came to me, so late one night,while they were all asleep, I got rid of that bald spot once and for all.


Ha ha, I showed them who got the last laugh. Bald spot, my ass. I think it will grow back right?

Life is short, have fun.