I bought an M-Class about a month ago. The bike arrived within a week of purchasing it, which seemed super fast.
I bought it for my wife. She doesn't care that much about going fast. She prefers a more manageable bike (smaller and lighter than my Juiced CrossCurrent S2). We also wanted to use a tag-along with it. A lot of guys like this bike, but it really seems perfect for women and older people.
The bike was super well packaged. Also, assembly was simple. The hardest part was the front fenders, and they were not a big deal.
So, far the bike has been working great. And I'm really glad we bought it. There aren't many reviews of the newest version of this bike. Keep in mind that the current version has many upgrades from the previous model. These include:
1) suspension fork
2) USB
3) easier interface to use throttle
4) more gears
5) gear sensor
I have a few criticisms.
First, the motor is impressive but the gearing is .... politely stated "focused on hills and not speed." It eat hills, but top speed is maybe 22-24 MPH, and you have to peddle super hard to maintain it. My wife doesn't want to go over 20 MPH, so it's not an issue for her.
I'm considering changing to a " 48-tooth Chainring", as recommended elsewhere. This is a really good review of the bike: https://yondercity.com/reviews-ariel-rider-m-class/. I would strongly recommend the company adjust the stock chainring they sell the bike with.
Second, I have no objections about the motor.... but I have no idea what I have. I thought I was getting a DAPU. But, now some blogs say the updated model might be some TS motor? Bike motors are generally frustrating, as even if you know the nominal wattage, you generally don't know peak, etc. The motor works well, but it's weird that I don't know what I have.
Third, I have had a small issue with the peddle assist kicking out momentarily. I contacted the company, and they suggested moving the sensor. That makes sense. I just haven't ridden the bike for a few days, so I don't know yet.
Let me know if you have any question
Photo is my 75 year old dad riding the m-class.
I bought it for my wife. She doesn't care that much about going fast. She prefers a more manageable bike (smaller and lighter than my Juiced CrossCurrent S2). We also wanted to use a tag-along with it. A lot of guys like this bike, but it really seems perfect for women and older people.
The bike was super well packaged. Also, assembly was simple. The hardest part was the front fenders, and they were not a big deal.
So, far the bike has been working great. And I'm really glad we bought it. There aren't many reviews of the newest version of this bike. Keep in mind that the current version has many upgrades from the previous model. These include:
1) suspension fork
2) USB
3) easier interface to use throttle
4) more gears
5) gear sensor
I have a few criticisms.
First, the motor is impressive but the gearing is .... politely stated "focused on hills and not speed." It eat hills, but top speed is maybe 22-24 MPH, and you have to peddle super hard to maintain it. My wife doesn't want to go over 20 MPH, so it's not an issue for her.
I'm considering changing to a " 48-tooth Chainring", as recommended elsewhere. This is a really good review of the bike: https://yondercity.com/reviews-ariel-rider-m-class/. I would strongly recommend the company adjust the stock chainring they sell the bike with.
Second, I have no objections about the motor.... but I have no idea what I have. I thought I was getting a DAPU. But, now some blogs say the updated model might be some TS motor? Bike motors are generally frustrating, as even if you know the nominal wattage, you generally don't know peak, etc. The motor works well, but it's weird that I don't know what I have.
Third, I have had a small issue with the peddle assist kicking out momentarily. I contacted the company, and they suggested moving the sensor. That makes sense. I just haven't ridden the bike for a few days, so I don't know yet.
Let me know if you have any question
Photo is my 75 year old dad riding the m-class.