Looking for ebike with Worthog specs from Canada!


Active Member
So I have been looking at the Worthog 1000MD belt driven from Bolton ebikes (Area 13) and I love this bike!! But I cannot for the life of me understand the pricing! So after I did some research I found a bike almost the same by Bikeonit That makes them for Bolton but they are $900 more than Bolton ebikes..

So I found this company in Canada called Biktrix https://www.biktrix.ca/products/juggernaut-ultra-beast?variant=40797019766981 and they have a similar bike but it has a chain and sprocket instead for $5100 CDN but they don't sell a belt version (too bad for them as it cost them a sale) why does it cost so much more to just add a belt and geared hub ??? like $7100 USD compared to $5100 CDN so that is like 3K CDN difference

The worthog is what I am looking for based on specs but im looking for somthing shipped from Canada and not brought over the border.

The looks
1000w MD
Fat Tire
Front Fork suspension
30 Ah Batteries
Belt Driven
Geared Hub or CVT

I am hoping other can help explain why there is such a price difference and if they know of any other good Canadain ebike companies that make a bike like this?

I cannot seem to find anything local in Canada or searching for them bring up so much junk and Chinese crap.
I am looking for the specs above in a Canadian bike. Honestly your bikes look like iGo bikes my partner has but I'm not a fan of that look and style at all. They look like Mary Poppins Bikes to me..
Here you go.
Zen is still finding a way to ship their frames from Taiwan.
The Jeep bike is chain driven and only 1 battery and the other is the one I mentioned in my original post and is chain driven also. Looking for a bike with the specs above
Not sure you understand the question im not paying like 3K more for these 2 features of belt and geared hub and they need to be Canadian im not shipping over the border
You might want to check out Rize Bikes.

Our main office is based in Vancouver, British Columbia, and we have distribution facilities in Los Angeles, California as well as Vancouver, BC. This ensures shipping is convenient and easy, and helps us provide better customer support.

You might want to check out Rize Bikes.

Our main office is based in Vancouver, British Columbia, and we have distribution facilities in Los Angeles, California as well as Vancouver, BC. This ensures shipping is convenient and easy, and helps us provide better customer support.

They dont have belt driven or long range versions...
lots of bikes have them... how else can they have a belt drive. Its either IGH or CVT or no gears....
Why not spend $200 to have a local bike shop install an IGH of your choice? The new KMC Wide single speed Echain is almost as strong as a belt. Good Stuff. It is easier to install and change and it costs far less per year of service. Or use a Veer Belt. These will work on any bike, yet are more pricy. You can save a ton and get the bike you want. A good IGH can be had for under $300 including CVT. Just check the OLD before ordering. That is the dropout width.
I am looking for the specs above in a Canadian bike. Honestly your bikes look like iGo bikes my partner has but I'm not a fan of that look and style at all. They look like Mary Poppins Bikes to me..

im not paying like 3K more for these 2 features of belt and geared hub

You do realize the wathog with sturmey archer is the mary poppins of IGH? It's not a capable IGH for a Bafang Ultra. Biktrix originally was planning to offer the IGH version and abandoned it due to so many issues.
You do realize the wathog with sturmey archer is the mary poppins of IGH? It's not a capable IGH for a Bafang Ultra. Biktrix originally was planning to offer the IGH version and abandoned it due to so many issues.
Nope i didnt know that. Would a CVT work better in these situations with such a high wattage motor?
The Enviolo cargo hub is $400. A LBS will lace it in for about $200. You really do not need more than one HP. Beyond 750W is electric motorcycle territory. The Amps can be controlled for this with an Ultra.
Looks like Bolton (and also Bikonit) are switching to a Rohloff hub which should help with reliability.

Unfortunately it seems they will also have CANBUS motors (good luck programming / refining them).

These bikes come from Leili in China so you're basically paying a middleman to mark them up and provide service if you buy from a reseller, whatever that gets you.
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Or you could go with the new Biktrix XD if they have a frame for it that allows for using a belt, frame has to have a split in the chain/seat stay to allow it to pass through, with whatever IGH you want if you want to go 🇨🇦

So after the talk about the fact that a mid drive motor will just cause wear on a IGH I have decided to stay with chain till they get better. Even talking to my local ebike store they said this is why they don't carry mid drive bikes because of this and also because the need to cut the frame which weakens it. So after doing some looking I have narrowed it down to the iGo Oka or the Magnum Scout

I'll start a new thread on decisions on that ill link it here if anyone wants to chime in on it after I post it
Here is the new post with my list if anyone wants to give their opinion
