Local bike shop will not carry BTN EUNORAU Bikes


New Member
Hello, Bell bikes, I'm interested in the BTN folding bike, and was happy to hear that they took care of your customers asked my local bike shop about buying a BTN bike, the shop owner told me he would not carry them because BTN doesn't have product liability insurance and no responsible local shop would be willing to carry a bike if the manufacturer doesn't have this sort of coverage because their insurance carrier requires the manufacturer to cover the bikes that they sell to dealers otherwise the dealers become the manufacturers except all liability, he mentioned that the insurance pool in the United States is rather small so all bike shops are dealing with the same scenario. He also mentioned that BTN will not directly support customers, that is all support is directed back to the shop, which is different than with companies like Magnum, E Joe, CiviBikes who will support customers directly along with the dealers and have product liability coverage. Is this a reflection of the quality of the product?

Do you know if the above is correct? I'm wondering if this bike shop is biased, is this bike covered under your shop's insurance policy? If the manufacturer is not ensuring their product does that speak to the quality, and their confidence in what they're building? Also according to the EBR reviews, which is what peak my interest in their bikes this company is in China and just rents space here, what's to keep them from just folding up shop if something god forbid did happen?
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