lights on bikes


Well-Known Member
thought this was interesting and something for others to think about in regard to lights

trying to run the battery down on my new bike to 5% so i could recharge, the heat has really controlled what i can do and when with the bikes this week
anyway i rode the other evening out here around my house

this was friday and i worry about drunk drivers etc, so wasnt thrilled to be on the road but can stay on small neighborhood roads most of the way to the little store i was riding to

made sure ALL my lights were on before leaving

each of my bikes has 2 headlights, 2 taillights and 2 green spokelights on each wheel
and i ride with a headlamp
most of these are pretty good cygolites, but some of the duplicates are cheaper brands and i use them on flash just to give one more visible thing
i am also riding in a white shirt with a bright yellow reflective vests and a bright yellow helmet
all of my bike bags must have reflective strips on them or i wont purchase them
and luckily these tires ravi put on the bike have reflective strips also

got to the store and immediately a guy comes up and compliments me on the lights and the fact he could see me well when i pulled into the store

got some stuff at the store and wanted to download the mapmyride app to check the trip miles on the easy motion
so was at the store maybe 15 minutes
in that time had 4 people driving cars into the store stop and tell me they liked my bike lights

i know what they mean, there is nothing more aggravating than being on the road with bikes that are not visible

a couple of months ago i was driving in east tucson at 9pm and stopped at a red light in an 4 lane unlighted intersection , about to make a legal right hand turn when out of nowhere a guy on an electric bike comes flying across in front of me on a black bike, dark jeans and a black shirt
i never saw him, he had some crappy little light on the front so maybe he was technically legal but he was begging to get hit
it scared the crap out me, i really pay attention and still could have easily hit him

i know the good lights are expensive but they could save your life
my bikes probably have $125 in lights each but to me it is totally worth it
I agree with you, usually I work the evening shift at least 1 week of the month and finish up at 10pm and it's dark I too have 2 headlights up front and 1 very bright red taillight that I set to flash plus I wear one of those cheap reflective vests highway workers use. My panniers have reflective strips as does my helmet cover that get's used in cold or wet weather. Last night i was coming home and a police car was going to turn into my lane off a highway, they saw all my lights, stopped and waved me through. Plus every car that had come up behind me on a long stretch of road clearly saw me and moved over. Way better than those riders all in dark clothes with no lights and way safer as well.
agree with jayvee and when i ride on the bike paths just use 1 headlamp and 1 rear lamp

and i try to make a point of aiming it down more so as not to blind other riders

not so worried on bike paths, need to be seen by other bikes
but with cars on the road i am really paranoid

i have seen some bright bike lights on the roads in tucson but none so bright they bothered me while driving my car, overall would rather have too bright than too dim
sure how they are aimed makes a difference too
On the bike trails I have come too close to people wearing dark clothes and do not carry any lights or wear reflective clothing. I do not mind aggrevating pedestrians for few moments in order to see and be seen. I turn/point down for on coming vehicle traffic. If someone gets a little aggravated at me and says something I know they saw me,much more important then the hurt feelings.

On the road same theory, turn down for on coming, don't mind slightly irritating someone to be seen and see
Check out Monkey Light won't help you see where you are going but it will let people see you and they are a great light show on a moving ebike.
saw those and they are pretty cool, they just looked like a lot more work than the spokelits

the spokelits are quick and really easy to change the batteries in
It took a little effort to get them on but nothing too bad and now they are rock solid. I haven't had to change batteries yet but it just unscrews from the mounted unit and should be easy peasy.
Well it looks like my post on this thread was deleted, and no reason was given to me. Regardless, if you google Noxgear you will run across vests that were originally designed with runners in mind. The vest they sell lights up and make you very visible. I have been using mine for almost 2 years and I absolutely love it. I use it at night, as well as in the rain and fog. They do not have a model with a rechargeable battery pack, so you must use AAA batteries. I just use rechargeable AAA batteries on mine and I get about 36 hours per set of AAA batteries (they advertise 40). Also, since I live in Washington State, I've ridden in the rain with the vest, and so far I've not had any issues with water getting into the light pack and damaging my unit.

I won't link it this time since I'm guessing that's why my post was originally removed. I like the vest because it makes you super visible from all sides, and not just front/back. The vest also flashes yellow or red when you turn it on/off to warn you that the batteries are low/about to die.
hey norvus, i had a post that was removed too

maybe ann or tara can chime in, think i had a link to something also

is that not allowed?

really like this lighted vest and bookmarked it
thanks for posting about it
that seems good for battery life

will research rechargeable aaa set ups now
Well it looks like my post on this thread was deleted, and no reason was given to me. Regardless, if you google Noxgear you will run across vests that were originally designed with runners in mind. The vest they sell lights up and make you very visible. I have been using mine for almost 2 years and I absolutely love it. I use it at night, as well as in the rain and fog. They do not have a model with a rechargeable battery pack, so you must use AAA batteries. I just use rechargeable AAA batteries on mine and I get about 36 hours per set of AAA batteries (they advertise 40). Also, since I live in Washington State, I've ridden in the rain with the vest, and so far I've not had any issues with water getting into the light pack and damaging my unit.

I won't link it this time since I'm guessing that's why my post was originally removed. I like the vest because it makes you super visible from all sides, and not just front/back. The vest also flashes yellow or red when you turn it on/off to warn you that the batteries are low/about to die.
The mods are deleting and modifying posts here. It is no longer a safe place. Big brother is watching. If you link to specific shops or dealers they will close the thread and delete/modify your posts. I wonder if @Court is aware??
The site is unstable due to server issues. All the administration is aware. Content was lost, not removed. New members were lost as well as threads, posts and even private conversations. They are working on it.
thinking this must be an automatic computer thing because i linked to an obscure none bike product on amazon and got deleted....

ann are you there? lol
think the site is just having some issues and they are not deleting peoples posts on purpose, but maybe i am wrong
thanks for the update JR

we will be patient, sure they are working hard on it

will repost my lost one in a day or 2
Thank you everyone! The site was migrated to a new server Thursday night and little quirks started showing up early Fri am. JR noticed this as I did. Saturday afternoon the site program became unstable and we lost a lot of material from Friday & Saturday prior to 6pm. Our website team did some fixes and we now have mirrors of the site on the servers to help prevent this in the future.

The backup of the site does not contain much of the lost material unfortunately; I already checked. Please, if you've got the energy, we would appreciate if you would repost your comments, thoughts and pictures-- your input is what makes the EBR Community. Thanks again for everyone's patience.