Hi Court. I'm Don, 74 years old. I've never seen, much less riden an e-bike. I have a Gary Fisher mountain bike, but I don't do any serious mountain biking anymore. I just use it as a street/trail bike. I live in the Nicolet National Forest in Norther Wisconsin so very gentile trail riding on fire roads compromise 99% of my rides. My tires seldom see pavement. My girl friend had never ridden a bicycle, so I got her one for her 65 birthday. She loved it, but had a balance problem (cancer survivor, blind in one eye, no depth perception). So I installed adult training wheels. This totally solved her balance problem. We average only 7 miles an hour on our rides. Speed is not important to us. Here are my questions. In your opinion, can the Lectric XP handle gentle trail rides as a steady diet? I know there are other more capable bikes for this task, but price is an issue, as I would be buying 2 of them. I am also considering the Radrover, and the Mule 750 by SYKL (https://syklpowerbikes.com/mule-750/) SYKL is in Wisconsin and I'll be making a trip to their facility come spring for a test ride. These are the training wheels I'd would take off of my girlfriends bike and install them on a new e-bike (http://www.stabilizerwheels.com/index.html) Can these wheels be installed on the bikes I've mentioned? Lastly, compared to my Gary Fisher, how do these bikes pedal with NO assist? I'm use to a full leg extension when pedalling my Gary Fisher, but don't know if this would be possible with the XP. Your input would be greatly appreciated. By the way, I think I've watched every one of your youtube reviews. What an education ! ! ! I'm a retired instructor with the Wisconsin Technical College. I always say, "learning is a life long process". Keep up the good work. <><
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