Lectric XP 2.0 srep-thru battery 3rd party part#


New Member
Have an XP 2.0 step-thru orsered last week, no spare XP batteries in stock Lectric said theyre supposed to bein stock in August but just in case I'd like to know, theres been plenty of documentation on the XP 2.0 step-over 3rd Party batteries being a DCH-006 L430
but I cant find anything on the XP 2.0 step-thru battery.
The XP 2.0 step-thru looks like the DCH-015 and seems to have nominally identical dimensions, except the DCH-015 L430 battery connector has the keyhole on the top of the battery-connector, instead of on the side of the battery connector.

Can someone with an XP 2.0 step-thru verify if their battery dimensions match the DCH-015?
