LCD display opinions?


New Member
Ok, I'll come clean right up front. I'm a Sondors e-bike owner who has weathered the "storm" and finally received both bikes back in July. I really like the Rad Rover and probably would have signed up for a couple if I had not already committed to the Sondors campaign.

The reason I'm here is because Sondors is now offering an LCD display unit exactly like the unit that comes standard on your well equipped Rad Rovers. I was hoping to get some feedback from owners as to it's real world usefulness. I'm familiar with the features and options the LCD display provides but at $100 plus shipping each I just wanted to find out if you owners/users thought the benefits would be worth the money.

Thank you in advance for your input!
Most options for the LCD display can be found on your smart phone; except for battery metering, watt meter, and the headlight control. Is Sounders offering the new King Meter with the USB plug? If so, I guess for a 100 bucks its worth it. How much is Rad Rover charging for the king meter compared to Sondors?
The display Sondors if offering for $100 and Rad Rover has as standard equipment both appear to be the same King KT-LCD3 unit. The Chinese website says it can be customized with graphics but it doesn't appear to have a USB plug. The feature that most interests me is the pedal assist level 1-5 selection (Sondors is fixed at 1). There are many other features but the top speed setting and the more accurate battery level indicator also sound useful. The Sondors comes with a 3 colored light battery indicator...not very informative.

I'm hoping some people might have utilized many of the features and have opinions to share.
I'd consider the LCD a requirement, it's really really useful on the Radrover. I toggle the PAS constantly during my rides depending on the terrain. I also like the motor wattage readout, gives me an idea of how hard I'm making the motor work.
the display is fine. being able to see your speed and battery level at a glance as well as how many watts the battery is using at any given moment.
there are a bunch of settings that you can go through to set up the bike. although wouldn't the features on the display depend on your controller working with it? assuming it all works the display is a very handy feature that i'm glad to have.
The King meter display is very useful, but you might consider a CycleAnalyst v3 from Grin in BC (~$155), which allows you to customize your power train. High geek factor however, so be prepared to study and experiment if you go that route.
Yes, the Cycle Analyst will limit by speed or amps or remove that limitation. There are a bunch of other technical settings that need to be set to get the limits to work smoothly. You can download the manual from the website. The v2 unit is simpler, but I believe you need the v3 if you want pedelec functions. Once one person develops the settings that makes the RadRover work smoothly, it should be plug and play for everyone else. You would have to adapt the wiring and plugs, which could be a pain: 5 wires for the hall sensors, 3 for the motor, 2 or 3 for the throttle, and I'm not sure for the cadence sensor. Grin has a wiring guide and sells the plugs and jacks.
The King meter display is very useful, but you might consider a CycleAnalyst v3 from Grin in BC (~$155), which allows you to customize your power train. High geek factor however, so be prepared to study and experiment if you go that route.

How would we hook up the CycleAnalyst to a Rad Rover?