I ordered a bike from Juiced Bikes 3 months ago for my son and was told it would be 3 weeks. I have been patient and checking in with them weekly but I keep getting lied to about it. I have been told multiple times that the bike was in the warehouse and would be shipping out within a few days, but it never happens. Now I have been told that their shipping company has the bikes but won't give them any answers on when it will be shipped out. Am I supposed to believe that their vendor won't answer their questions? When I was told that today, I asked why the vendor hadn't been fired and the person wouldn't answer. I feel like management is putting their customer service people in a horrible position and throwing them under the bus by having them tell these ridiculous excuses to customers. meanwhile, their website says that they ship bikes within 3-4 days, if I remember correctly. Does anyone have any advice for me? I don't want to cancel the order. I just want the truth and I want the bike!