Just ordered my XP 2.0! No lead times now


New Member
Ordered the XP Friday in time to get the comfort seat/seat pole suspension/pannier package. I guess since its the dead of winter, there's no lead time now on these bikes - already recv'd the tracking info on Monday and it should be on its way! Very excited to finally receive the ebike after several years of considering the purchase.. Thanks for all the great info on this forum!
Good that the lead times have been shortened. We ordered two XP 2.0 ST bikes mid-November; one arrived within a few weeks but the other took about a month.

Funny thing is that the first bike went all over the place in getting from Arizona to Oregon. For a while it was stuck in SoCal, moving from one city warehouse to another a few miles away and then to another. I imagine the shipper relies on a computer that tells them which truck to take, and like the workings of the Internet it often means bouncing around a bit.

Hope you enjoy the bike. We love ours.
Well, the bike arrived yesterday - everything looks to be perfect. First quick ride was awesome - so much fun!