Juiced Scrambler Unlock Speed Limit


New Member
Has anyone found a way to hack the scramblers controller to allow the bike to go faster than 20 mph? I know there is an off road kit, but I don't really want to pay $279 for something that seems like a software mod. On flat ground, you can tell the scrambler is being software limited to 20 mph, and it's not even b/c the motor is being pushed beyond its limit. Thanks and happy riding!
The only option you have short of a new controller is built in and only requires activation done from the display as seen on the Juiced video or at their site.
It's called "R"acing mode and you get up to 28 mph from the drivetrain with little more then rotating the pedals not even using the throttle.
The next step could be the "oof road kit" (I'm not changing that typo) but if you can spice a few wires it would be cheaper and better to get a aftermarket controller like a KT or (these are all the same brand) MQCON, Sabvoton, RISUNMOTORS controller I found one that can be fully programmed to work on juiced bikes using throttle and a different PAS found here.

WARNING: Warranty voider & do at your own risk.

A video on the non programmable KT controller experience.

HALLOMOTOR Customized e-Bike Electric Bike 36V 48V 60V 72V Intelligent Programmable Sine Wave 45A Controller + TFT-750C Colorful Display
Amazon link
(not cheaper) https://amzn.to/33i8Hxt
Keep in mind with the included usb cable this can be run headless and is only $75.00 alone instead of the full monte LCD & bluetooth dongle kit above.

Sine Wave Controller 36V 48V 60V 72V 1100W-2200W 45A Ebike Programmable Intelligent Controller

This isn't for the lighthearted and will require a learning curve.
You do not want to run this at the full 45 amp output or you will be letting the smoke out of your hub motor pretty quick.
But, with proper programming you will hit 30 mph (depending on weight) throttled and get better torque up to top speed. I own this model and a UKC1 LCD and the USB programing cable too.

For help you will want to join the private Facebook Group Modded Juicedbikes

Best of luck, "THIS IS THE WAY"
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