Juggernaut Ultra FS review

Ditto on ALL of the above. I’ve just hit 400 miles on my Juggernaut FS and absolutely love everything about the bike and my new hobby. I could have written the review above but now I can just point and go out for another ride today! I also bought a Juggernaut HD Classic for my wife/son which arrived recently. They are enjoying being able to go along with me and the small frame size fits them at 4’10 and 5’2.

My only word of caution to any other 40 somethings and up is to be careful. Although you will feel like you are 11 again, you aren’t. You do become accustomed to the speed and if you are riding gravel trail or off-road you can get in trouble - no different than standard bike but you weren’t likely riding one of those for 30 miles at a turn. I had a spectacular spill at very low speed on a gravel trail last week. Just plain physics and would have happened on ebike or standard as ultimately it was braking technique/timing that took me down. 8 stitches, broken rib, and some hamburgered spots. A week later I’m back on the bike, albeit casual riding, and today went to the scene of the crime. I could see know that I released the brake too soon going into a turn at bottom of steep decent which headed back up another ascent. Be careful out there and I’ll let you know how I like my new elbow and knee pads :)
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Ugh, sorry to hear about the injury Brad! Sounds brutal! I appreciate the warning though, because you're right... I am old and have brittle bones. The added weight, and speed, of the e-bike start to feel normal quickly, so I can see how you can get into trouble much quicker.

Hope you heal up soon!
Nice write up. Rad pic hahaha. Def need to frame that. Bonus point for wheelie on stairs in sandles. Glad every thing is working for you.
Very well written. I'm sure Roshan will be pleased. I've had my Ultra for almost a year and love it.
Ditto on ALL of the above. I’ve just hit 400 miles on my Juggernaut FS and absolutely love everything about the bike and my new hobby. I could have written the review above but now I can just point and go out for another ride today! I also bought a Juggernaut HD Classic for my wife/son which arrived recently. They are enjoying being able to go along with me and the small frame size fits them at 4’10 and 5’2.

My only word of caution to any other 40 somethings and up is to be careful. Although you will feel like you are 11 again, you aren’t. You do become accustomed to the speed and if you are riding gravel trail or off-road you can get in trouble - no different than standard bike but you weren’t likely riding one of those for 30 miles at a turn. I had a spectacular spill at very low speed on a gravel trail last week. Just plain physics and would have happened on ebike or standard as ultimately it was braking technique/timing that took me down. 8 stitches, broken rib, and some hamburgered spots. A week later I’m back on the bike, albeit casual riding, and today went to the scene of the crime. I could see know that I released the brake too soon going into a turn at bottom of steep decent which headed back up another ascent. Be careful out there and I’ll let you know how I like my new elbow and knee pads :)

Easy there, cowboy!
I'm looking at their Pre-Order Ultra 1000, and was comparing against the FS. But this will be my first eBike, so I may not go whole-hog. Roshan has been great with me, trying to work out a deal because of issues with his website ordering today. This Review was very timely for me to find -- not much out there on the Web. Thank you!