Juggernaut Charger Help!

I guess my Search Game needs some practice

Unless I'm missing something but this a pretty typical charger and can be obtained just about anywhere, like Amazon, eBay or any ebike shop. Not sure where you've been looking o_O

Here is one on Amazon Generic 54.6V 2A Electric Bike Lithium Battery Charger for 48V Lithium Battery Pack https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072J4MS8J/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_taa_dW7yzbYN1GHPB

I guess my search game was clouded by frustration...?

Anyway, thanks
Hey Folks.

I have a Biktrix Juggernaut and I need a new charger

A 100-240V, 50-60Hz, 2A smart charger

This seems impossible to locate and Biktrix is in no rush to help me

This is my only means of transportation to and from Dialysis...

Any leads that won't break the bank?
That doesnt sound like Biktrix ,they are great to deal with . Watch out for quick chargers ,they will kill your
battery !