Is there an E-bike Insurer that is not Markel?

I was informed about this bike insurance and I am looking into it,
they quoted $300 p/yr, full coverage?

Your thoughts and suggestions.........
From the link above, "Insurance through Oyster is provided by Markel Insurance Company". I think that's good, but I went with Markel directly.

If you're looking for e-bike insurance that's not from Markel, you might want to check out some other options. One good choice could be looking into companies that offer multi bike insurance. These policies can often cover electric bikes along with other types of bikes, and they might give you a better deal than insuring each bike separately. Plus, they're often pretty flexible, so you can usually add or remove bikes from your policy as needed. It's always a good idea to shop around and compare quotes to find the best fit for you and your e-bike.
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If you're looking for e-bike insurance that's not from Markel, you might want to check out some other options.
Well thats what this thread is already all about. Sundays is really the only other one in the USA offering a dedicated policy. Regular homeowners and auto policies have been adapted by a few carriers, but they are something of a minefield that should only be crossed after reading the policy completely through. What people are told by their agent is non-binding insofar as claims are concerned, so you either read - and understand - the policy language yourself or you get a company underwriter to answer your coverage questions in writing.