Is it true that......... ? (First post/first q/ and.thanksforhavingme!)


New Member
A serious PUZZLE ..that has occupied a... not enormous...fogiefied brain for two days. Can it possibly be TRUE..that a basic ebike will not start ..if its PEDALEC is mucky? If I drive through some mud...and the mud sticks to the sensor, just as I'm arriving home...Then, if I hope to get the pedal assist in action next day...nothing will happen? If that is so...why is that information not WRITTEN LARGE and first, over every ebike fix-it forum? At this minute, I'm hoping,with my breakfast cocoa that this *NO START WITH MUDDY PEDALEC* could be true!!! Could it be true folks????, Because..yesterday,. I was about to take off my hubmotor rear wheel and maybe attempt to check the motor bearings, before trashing it and fitting a new wheel... When I read that note, I can't remember where.."check your Pedalec sensors and make sure it is all clean,if it is dirty or has mud sticking to Pedal Assist bike motor...will not start!!! Well...yesterday eve..I checked that bit, for the first time ever...before going too bed. YES! mud!! On the round thing and on the tiny sensor. There was a big muddy patch just before I got home, last ride.... So after breakfast..I will clean that bit carefully.. Oh gosh!! Will my ebike really START again??!!!! Watch this space!!
Thank you for having me.!!!! My nerves are wrecked! Supposing if it really works again, after cleaning!!!!! Magic!!!
A serious PUZZLE ..that has occupied a... not enormous...fogiefied brain for two days. Can it possibly be TRUE..that a basic ebike will not start ..if its PEDALEC is mucky? If I drive through some mud...and the mud sticks to the sensor, just as I'm arriving home...Then, if I hope to get the pedal assist in action next day...nothing will happen? If that is so...why is that information not WRITTEN LARGE and first, over every ebike fix-it forum? At this minute, I'm hoping,with my breakfast cocoa that this *NO START WITH MUDDY PEDALEC* could be true!!! Could it be true folks????, Because..yesterday,. I was about to take off my hubmotor rear wheel and maybe attempt to check the motor bearings, before trashing it and fitting a new wheel... When I read that note, I can't remember where.."check your Pedalec sensors and make sure it is all clean,if it is dirty or has mud sticking to Pedal Assist bike motor...will not start!!! Well...yesterday eve..I checked that bit, for the first time ever...before going too bed. YES! mud!! On the round thing and on the tiny sensor. There was a big muddy patch just before I got home, last ride.... So after breakfast..I will clean that bit carefully.. Oh gosh!! Will my ebike really START again??!!!! Watch this space!!
Thank you for having me.!!!! My nerves are wrecked! Supposing if it really works again, after cleaning!!!!! Magic!!!
Good luck!
SAD TO SAY!!😵 😥 no...after all the cleaning..nothing happened!
Plan B
To fit a new rear wheel/ doesn't look hard..250w 36 v.

Swytch sounds good!!!! But...There's a queue..

Or there are some on French EBay..about 120 Euros..
There was a bit of noise coming from the motor...could be the bearings.. I think, although I am pig ignorant about everything... Just fixing the freekin brakes cost that much in the repair shop!
So my guess is replacing the bearings would be a millionaires ransom
Its quite a good solid bike, with good gears,
I can ride it without the motor, but its too far.. Next trip about 30 kms. Too far for a fogie OAP.
Boooooo my ebike is so good for essential trips.
I think...
Got to be a new wheel....