Is it possible to even buy a Turbo Vado 5.0 Medium


New Member
I live in Houston and can’t seem to find a Medium Turbo Vado 5.0 anywhere near me. Is there a way I can secure the 2023 model when it comes out?
I own one. I put a $1000 deposit on one at a local e-bike shop about 6 months before on came available and had my name on the first one that arrived at their shop.

BTW, worth the wait. Excellent bike in every way.
I had to wait until about 1 month ago to get my Vado 5 IGH from my local LBS. This was after waiting about 1 year, and 1.5 years for a Trak Alliant+ 8, which was ultimately discontinued in Canada. It's the global supply chain issues leading to a shortage. I suggest emailing Specialized customer service to ask when they will be shipping a frame in your size to your LBSit is worth the wait..
I live in Dallas. I purchased my Vado 5.0 IGH in May. I then ordered my wife's Vado 5.0 Step Through IGH in August. Both from Wheeler Dealer in Oklahoma City. Jason is the owner and he will work hard to source one for you. Even delivered to Dallas. My wife's is 2023 model .
We have several Specialized LBS's in Dallas metro. My wife had a hydraulic brake issue took it to Bikemart in McKinney and they repaired/replaced the brake under warranty without issue.