Is Additional Motor Noise Normal


Active Member
Comox Valley British Columbia Canada
I notice on my Explorer E+1 that I get a bit of extra motor noise when in a lower gear and climbing. Is this expected on an E Bike when the motor is under load. My first year owning the bike is quickly drawing to a close and if I have any warranty issues I would like to catch them. Perhaps I am getting paranoid in my old age.
They are more buzzy at higher cadence. Normal.
The pro version is way more buzzy. Not offensive, and some call it a 'growl', but to me it has a buzz sound to it. Also noisier at higher cadence.
I liked my Explore so well I bought two more giant ebikes. 😇
thx browneye. it only makes sense when you put the motor under additional load it will make a bit more noise. it did not sound abnormal, but i just wanted to see if other owners experienced this.
I find that the frame amplifies the sound but only for the rider. When riding next to my wife I cannot hear her motor and she cannot hear mine.
I find that the frame amplifies the sound but only for the rider. When riding next to my wife I cannot hear her motor and she cannot hear mine.

Dude ! She's just Tuning You Out.................. She's your Wife.
They don't want to hear us................ 🤣;):rolleyes:
Just kidding, Where would we be without them 😇