I opened up my battery then used some of that glue to close it up again.
I found a little circuit board inside that could bounce around and I wanted to stabilize it.
My battery cells are wrapped in what they call "fish paper" and I don't know what it looks like under the fishpaper.
You can also get plastic separators and the cells "plug" into the spacers to keep them separated.
You don't want any rubbing between cells that can wear through the plastic shrink wrap and short out the cells.
Vibration can also stress the nickel strips and they can break (metal fatigue) or a weld can break.
Changes in heat can also cause metal fatigue due to expansion and contraction.
You can also get circular stickers with a hole that go on the positive terminal of each cell to help prevent a short circuit across from the positive terminal to the cell casing a mm away or from the nickel strip that could touch or wear through to the negative case of the cell.
Another thing I remember is that Ni-Cd batteries are supposed to be drained fully before charging or they develope a memory.
I don't know if NiMH have a memory issue or if the cell voltage is the same as Ni-Cd ?
I found the owners manual for your e-bike and it looks like the charger has a setting to drain the cells before charging to prevent the memory effect.
That may not be necessary for NiMH or even bad for the cells?
So you've gotta look into charge rate (amps) as well as charge voltage.
The main things about the glue is that you don't want it to melt if it gets hot, and you don't want it to give off any gasses that can damage sensitive electronics.
Regular Silicone 1 gives off acetic acid during the cure and that's not good for sensitive electronics
Silicone 2 doesn't stink when it cures, and as far as I know, it should be fine for your battery?
I was messing around with a lithium battery so I wanted to use the proper stuff.
The original white silicone inside the battery was pretty good strength of adhesion but I could still careful pull the wires from it.
Regular silicone is a bit stronger, and I probably would have broken the wires?
The stickers go here, under the nickel strips.