Increase the Speed - Giant Quick E questions

When I tested it after the "fix,", I will have to be very careful as I adjust to my new speeds! At least I had a good workout for the first 125 miles riding it! Thanks for the speed and gear samples. 28 mph is a good top speed for me on flats. Now I am off to see how that long slow, but not too steep, incline handles now!

I can see the grin on your face from here!
There was a definite grin! This bike is very nice with lots of power. And you can get a good workout as well. I found that normal and Eco+ can get me around very quickly. On the big hill, I put it in Sport+ and climbed it quickly. I'm definitely loving it now. Sadly, my battery does go down quicker now that anything over 10MPH is assisted..... I'll take it though!
There was a definite grin! This bike is very nice with lots of power. And you can get a good workout as well. I found that normal and Eco+ can get me around very quickly. On the big hill, I put it in Sport+ and climbed it quickly. I'm definitely loving it now. Sadly, my battery does go down quicker now that anything over 10MPH is assisted..... I'll take it though!

Same thing happened to me on a Demo Bike. The dealer had a mishap with the original battery and apparently changing the Battery for another one can pop it back in that mode. I had wondered why a ride of over 30kms only used 4% of the battery. LOL

What matters is the torque after transmission, or wheel torque. Motor engines run at high RPM while the transmissions reduce the RPM and enlarge the torque.

Mid-drive e-bike motors run at low RPM while the gears increase the RPM and reduce the torque.