ICONIC EVO TR 2 SPEED, anyone purchased or test drive it yet?


Active Member
The ebike purchase quest continues. Saw the recent review here but there are none on Maui to test ride. I am sold as far as brand, components and power train. The question I have is about comfort. I am wanting a more upright geometry. Looking at the bike and considering the adjustable stem, it appears to be more upright than the rider forward stance listed in the review and marketing material on Bulls website. Any thoughts or real-world experience out there with this bike? I can order through a LBS but would hate to shell out $6000+ and THEN discover it's not a good fit for me.


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The ebike purchase quest continues. Saw the recent review here but there are none on Maui to test ride. I am sold as far as brand, components and power train. The question I have is about comfort. I am wanting a more upright geometry. Looking at the bike and considering the adjustable stem, it appears to be more upright than the rider forward stance listed in the review and marketing material on Bulls website. Any thoughts or real-world experience out there with this bike? I can order through a LBS but would hate to shell out $6000+ and THEN discover it's not a good fit for me.
just checked its the gen 4 motor. I forgot it came out after the gen 4.
Ebikes Hawaii got deals on Haibike full 7 for $4k. Barge to Maui Port for $100.
2022 model year medium with Yamaha PW.
Aloha! Not really looking for a MTB, I need a more upright stance for more comfort. Ebikes Hawaii charges $175 for Young Brothers Port to Port. S/W Ryan today, they will pack it and take to YB's for that cost.
Buy an ebike of your liking.
Members here will sometimes guide you to an ebike you not like at all.
Pick your own ebike.
We even have a dealer on Oahu for Majicycle now. $3K full Suspension.
I have a new Bulls Iconic EVO TR2 Speed, and have been riding it for a few weeks. I had over a thousand miles on the previous bike, a Bulls Iconic EVO TR1 Speed bike, before the frame cracked.
Basically Bulls fixed or improved every weakness of the TR1 Speed, in the TR2 Speed. It is truly an amazing bike with the dual suspension, flat topped luggage carrier with a spring clip on it. The swingarm was redesigned and now comes with the 40T chainring, much better than the max size that would fit old 38T chainring. The frame welding is beefed up around the base of the seatpost. I now highly recommend this Bulls Iconic EVO TR2 Speed.
UPDATE: As of Feb 2024, I loved my Bulls Iconic EVO TR2 Speed so much that I bought a second eBike exactly the same configuration. I could not resist the sale price at year end of 2023 that is still offered by Bulls now in early 2024. Since I ride daily, this gives me operating flexibility and any downtime coverage with the 2nd unit, plus when others may want to ride along.
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