I recently got Covid. Likely Omicron. AMAA

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It's a pandemic of the vaccinated - they are spreading it like crazy.
Here's a breakdown from Ontario per 100,000 fully vaxxed vs unvaxxed
Because Ontario has about 90% of adults being fully vaxxed, the actual numbers of fully vaxxed cases is enormous in comparison.

Fully Vaxxed 78.02 Unvaxxed 58.25


  • Screenshot 2022-01-13 at 09-31-40 COVID-19 vaccinations data.png
    Screenshot 2022-01-13 at 09-31-40 COVID-19 vaccinations data.png
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although it would be nice if vaccines prevented all infection, that isn't their sole purpose. their larger purpose is to prevent serious illness... which they are doing extremely well.

that enormously higher line? the death rate from COVID-19 in the unvaccinated. people can joke and whine and cherry pick statistics all that want, but whatever margin of error, however you slice it, that line represents people dying. because they didn't get vaccinated.

Imagine what paucity of talent it would take to believe we could "vaccinate our way out" with a non-sterilizing vaccine and knowing that the virus was already in all kinds of mammals deer to bear to kitten to mink to dog.

but not bats
I got covid19 when vaccines were approved only for those above age 80 in nursing homes & hospitals. Through a N95 mask, a 2 minute visit to the hardware store. 157 miserable days later at home I was over it. I wanted the government to send any vaccine made for me to Africa, But no, they left the Africans 92% unvaccinated to brew up Delta, and now Omicron. Delta only took 57 days to get over. I can't get in concert hall now without a vaccine card, so I submitted. Temperature went down to 97.6 day after vaccine, arm wasn't sore. Vaccine did nothing for me, I was already immune. I felt bad for one day 3 days after Christmas, probably was Omicron. I was in a church Christmas Eve: wearing a N95 mask,
Secret to surviving covid19, have 4 times the lung capacity necessary to sit around. I do. US residents are so **** lazy. All the men I know that died from it were fat & out of shape. One fat out of shape lady, vaccinated, was on a ventilator for 6 days, but survived. She "can't walk, it hurts too much". Like having a tube shoved down your throat is a good time.
although it would be nice if vaccines prevented all infection, that isn't their sole purpose. their larger purpose is to prevent serious illness... which they are doing extremely well.

that enormously higher line? the death rate from COVID-19 in the unvaccinated. people can joke and whine and cherry pick statistics all that want, but whatever margin of error, however you slice it, that line represents people dying. because they didn't get vaccinated.

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What is scary is misinformation done for some unknown purpose. I've seen a similar graph made--I think they took this one and relabeled it. Don't know who "they" is, but it was posted on an anti vax site showing the big curve of deaths to be vaccinated folks. I've seen another post on the same site where "they" skewed other reports by replacing the term unvaccinated with vaccinated. People take it as fact and that scares me as much or more than the pandemic.

An apology. I have a pet peeve when things are blamed on They but I can't track down who originated the messed up graph I saw. I'm sorry for that.
WTF is going on is so many assholes refuse to get vaccinated, so we got Delta, and now Omicron. Joe's made some mistakes, but the biggest problem is you just can't fix stupid Americans who refuse to do the one thing that would get us out of this.
Vaccinations are okay but obviously not the end all for Covid. And they’re certainly not the “one thing that would get us out of this.” Biden got hung up making a war on “red states”, “misinformers” , “antivaxxers” etc., even going so far as to say these folks are “Un-American”. He made it into a war - that’s obvious. And now he’s losing badly - if you consider deaths as a negative metric. And he, and America, will keep on losing.

Below is an interesting graphic - deaths per million, in the United States and Japan, since Biden took office. Actually Japan has only experienced 18,750 deaths out of 125 million people. Compared to the United States with 842,500 deaths out of 326 million people. Doesn’t that make you ponder ? And Japan has zero mandates on its people other than border controls.

If he was serious about ending the pandemic he’d fire that Fauci guy and get someone with fresh ideas onto the table. Why aren’t there Americans over here trying to figure out why this is happening?

By the way - I’m not some fervent antivaxxer either - I’ve been fully vaccinated with 2 doses, twice, I even have 2 vaccine cards.

Voltman99, it was too big for Biden to fix and keep within our system of laws. No matter what he would propose, the usual "pundits", who have an enormous amount of followers, would label it as either fake or some evil conspiracy.

We have been told, since 1980, that government is inherently evil and is not our friend. That less government is better. We suffer for that propaganda victory. Does Japan have a large, anti government contingent to deal with?

We have been told, since 1980, that government is inherently evil and is not our friend. That less government is better. We suffer for that propaganda victory. Does Japan have a large, anti government contingent to deal with?

i think the trend of anti-government, anti-elite, anti-science is a really interesting fundamental shift in society. i wonder if it goes back to bay of pigs, vietnam, watergate, iran-contra, and other related events that shook americans' faith in government?

back closer to the subject of the OP, i got covid this january also. almost certainly omi. triple vaxxed with pfizer. had a bit of a sore throat, no fever, some congestion, and just very tired.
WTF is going on is so many assholes refuse to get vaccinated, so we got Delta, and now Omicron.
I’m sorry but I have to call you out on that.

So according to you, people in Brazil, people in India, people in South Africa, people in other, lesser countries are the real assholes, because they don’t have vaccines and they generated the variants? Even though Joe Biden hasn’t sent them any vaccines?

If you’re going to blame variants on someone, why not blame it on the folks who didn’t manufacture and send the vaccine around the world? Why hasn’t Biden placed a real priority to do just that?

The world didn’t expect much from Donald Trump, because he flat out told you “America is First”. But what about this Biden guy? He hasn’t done anything to help the rest of the planet come out of it. And he banked his campaign on it.

So yeah, Joe Biden really is perhaps committing crimes against humanity, because he hasn’t delivered on his definition and promises of humanity. That’s how a lot of the world sees it today. Not necessarily me. But much of the world.
We have been told, since 1980, that government is inherently evil and is not our friend. That less government is better. We suffer for that propaganda victory. Does Japan have a large, anti government contingent to deal with?
In Japan the government has very little to do with it. They’ve not issued for example any mandates on masks, or vaccines. They’ve asked bars to close early at 10 PM, but it’s not compulsory. But most bars do it anyway. And yes there is a very heavy anti-government faction in Japan. So much so that we have armored trucks running around the city. Here in Tokyo, not far from my house, is a huge dedicated anti-riot police center actually. With water cannons, dogs, all kinds of nasty things. Hilariously though they protest against the government about things you can’t even fathom as an issue. For example “why is the government allowing black people on the streets?” , “boycott Australia for objecting to our whaling”, things like that. However handling Covid is kind of like wiping your butt, everybody just does what’s needed.
What is the % of fully vaccinated people in Japan?
I ask this question as that percent is quite low for Poland, and Poland is now one of the world leaders in Covid-deaths. Sadly.
(Of course, it is the unvaccinated people who mostly die in Poland).
In Japan the government has very little to do with it. They’ve not issued for example any mandates on masks, or vaccines. They’ve asked bars to close early at 10 PM, but it’s not compulsory. But most bars do it anyway. And yes there is a very heavy anti-government faction in Japan. So much so that we have armored trucks running around the city. Here in Tokyo, not far from my house, is a huge dedicated anti-riot police center actually. With water cannons, dogs, all kinds of nasty things. Hilariously though they protest against the government about things you can’t even fathom as an issue. For example “why is the government allowing black people on the streets?” , “boycott Australia for objecting to our whaling”, things like that. However handling Covid is kind of like wiping your butt, everybody just does what’s needed.
Do you have rifle toting people protesting the closure of a restaurant? That's how bad it was in Chehalis, WA earlier. Anyway, it seems like your mind is made up.
What is the % of fully vaccinated people in Japan?
I ask this question as that percent is quite low for Poland, and Poland is now one of the world leaders in Covid-deaths. Sadly.
(Of course, it is the unvaccinated people who mostly die in Poland).
Hi Stefan, Japan is currently at 78.8% fully vaccinated which means initial vaccinations. They’ve started boosting about one month ago for the medical community in anticipation of omicron. Aged 65+ is now eligible.

Yesterday they approved children aged 5-12 for Pfizer so probably in about a month time we will be at 90% of the population fully vaccinated. About 5% of the population cannot be vaccinated for various reasons, for example people aged 100+ often cannot be. That particular exception is probably not much of an issue in America sadly. Other people have medical issues that preclude vaccination. It’s actually a bit surprising situation for vaccinations because Japan historically has a much higher vaccine hesitancy rate.

We were late to the vaccination game actually because a certain country with a certain Joe would not ship them overseas even though Japan had contracts from early 2020. Our current PM did well in reminding the Pfizer CEO who one of their biggest customers is and got things back on track despite Joe.

Personally though, I mostly attribute the Japanese lower death rates directly to mask usage and refinement of the masks being used, along with a higher level of general hygiene. There is also some evidence that Japanese people are better equipped genetically to fight Covid. Much to my own embarrassment and shame as an American, it was the US military bases in Japan that are largely responsible for the spread of omicron here.

Only time will tell how well we fare against omicron but it’s quite clear it’s an extremely infectious virus.
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I’m sorry but I have to call you out on that.

So according to you, people in Brazil, people in India, people in South Africa, people in other, lesser countries are the real assholes, because they don’t have vaccines and they generated the variants? Even though Joe Biden hasn’t sent them any vaccines?

If you’re going to blame variants on someone, why not blame it on the folks who didn’t manufacture and send the vaccine around the world? Why hasn’t Biden placed a real priority to do just that?

The world didn’t expect much from Donald Trump, because he flat out told you “America is First”. But what about this Biden guy? He hasn’t done anything to help the rest of the planet come out of it. And he banked his campaign on it.

So yeah, Joe Biden really is perhaps committing crimes against humanity, because he hasn’t delivered on his definition and promises of humanity. That’s how a lot of the world sees it today. Not necessarily me. But much of the world.
Actually, we HAVE sent vaccines to other areas of the world, we've been doing it for months. Perhaps not sufficient, but it's not true to say that President Biden hasn't sent them.

My point is that if AMERICANS had gotten vaccinated, we would not have the numbers of deaths in this country that we do, that people are trying to blame on the President.

My point is, don't blame the President because people refuse to vaccinate. Those same people refuse to mask and refuse to social distance.THEY are the reason we have more deaths since President Biden was elected and took office. THEY need to take responsibility for the havoc and death they've caused through their ignorance and selfishness. I'm sick of having my life constrained because of them, and I'm pushing back every single time they try to blame it on anyone else.
My point is, don't blame the President because people refuse to vaccinate. Those same people refuse to mask and refuse to social distance.THEY are the reason we have more deaths since President Biden was elected and took office. THEY need to take responsibility for the havoc and death they've caused through their ignorance and selfishness. I'm sick of having my life constrained because of them, and I'm pushing back every single time they try to blame it on anyone else.
Well, apparently the Supreme Court agrees with the “THEY”s and “the President’s” illegal OSHA vaccine mandate is out the door. Next move ?
My point is that if AMERICANS had gotten vaccinated, we would not have the numbers of deaths in this country that we do, that people are trying to blame on the President.
Maybe if Biden got creative and made incentives for the working middle class to cross the fence and get vaccinated they would - the same kind of money he’s been sending to the unemployed slackers. Seriously. Offer up $50,000 per taxpayer if you’ve been employed for perhaps 5 years and get fully vaxed. Now you’re tickling their fancy - a new bass boat! It’ll certainly be more efficient than slogging it out in the ICU for the next 10 years?
Maybe if Biden got creative and made incentives for the working middle class to cross the fence and get vaccinated they would - the same kind of money he’s been sending to the unemployed slackers. Seriously. Offer up $50,000 per taxpayer if you’ve been employed for perhaps 5 years and get fully vaxed. Now you’re tickling their fancy - a new bass boat! It’ll certainly be more efficient than slogging it out in the ICU for the next 10 years?
I don't know any unemployed slackers - must hang out with a different crowd than you 🤣🤣🤣.
Actually, we HAVE sent vaccines to other areas of the world, we've been doing it for months. Perhaps not sufficient, but it's not true to say that President Biden hasn't sent them.

My point is that if AMERICANS had gotten vaccinated, we would not have the numbers of deaths in this country that we do, that people are trying to blame on the President.

My point is, don't blame the President because people refuse to vaccinate. Those same people refuse to mask and refuse to social distance.THEY are the reason we have more deaths since President Biden was elected and took office. THEY need to take responsibility for the havoc and death they've caused through their ignorance and selfishness. I'm sick of having my life constrained because of them, and I'm pushing back every single time they try to blame it on anyone e
I will get vaxxed when they shut the border down and quit letting millions of unvaxed in from third world countries. I guess that doesn't bother you.
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^ There’s a reason ^ the US has been a leading exporter of Covid. Check our rates of death and disability with the rest of the world. In many countries people take it as their patriotic duty to get vaxxed and take precautions. Australia has a vax rate of around 90%…is it any wonder the public objected to the Eurotrash tennis player coming in. Here its plain juvenile recalcitrance that keeps us so sick.
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