I bought tricycles PUCKIPUPPY E-bike
I have stroke, one right hand weak
unable rear brake.(back)
have front brake okay
Thank you
Another poster wrote possible physical therapy to strengthen your right hand. If that is
an option I really like that idea. A skilled Physical Therapist could be very helpful.
I also really like the option of rear braking only and watch your speed. I've been riding
e-Bike for years and always brake rear first. I've never ridden a trike, but a major concern I
would have is stability. Applying equal braking ( A single lever) to the front and rear wheels
really would worry me from a stability standpoint.
Another option is replace the brake system with high quality components rather
than make modifications. I have a Trek Allant+7S with these brakes... Shimano MT520
4-piston hydraulic disc, post-mount, 180mm rotor and can stop on a dime with
almost no hand pressure. Two fingers if I wanted.
I'm not specifically recommending this setup, but there are many high quality brake systems
that work with very minimal pressure.
Lastly, From a liability standpoint, it may be difficult to find a LBS the modify your current
brakes, but an entirely new system might be better for you and them assuming it can be done.
Good luck and keep us posted on what you do..