I don't know how valid this is


Western Nevada
I just received this notice about this e bike, you might want to check it out if you have one.
not really faulty they chose to replace them all with hydraulic just to be sure.
Nope, did you read the article? They have been found to be faulty and have been officially recalled.

Here‘s another article.
Among those 45,000 e-bikes, there were four instances reported of brake failure due to a faulty part in the brakes produced by one of Lectric eBikes’ suppliers. Two of those instances resulted in injuries to the rider.

Nope, did you read the article? They have been found to be faulty and have been officially recalled.

Here‘s another article.
Among those 45,000 e-bikes, there were four instances reported of brake failure due to a faulty part in the brakes produced by one of Lectric eBikes’ suppliers. Two of those instances resulted in injuries to the rider.

yes 4 on one bike. but they offered free brake upgrades to all of their bikes. well I think it was all its been awhile since I checked on it.
They (Lectric) sent out the notice for the free brake upgrade kit awhile ago. I signed up for it back then and I'm supposed to receive the kit in October. Then, recently, they issued the "stop riding" notice that I believe is part of a voluntary recall thru the CPSC.
I just received this notice about this e bike, you might want to check it out if you have one.
Old news
Is this a problem with the specific mechanical calipers used on Lectric bikes. I have Tektro mechanical calipers on a relatively fast ebike and go down steep hills routinely and I have had no problems. One thing I do worry about with hydraulic brakes is if a hose gets cut, nicked,or crimped. The hoses don't seem to be armored in any way. Could somebody disable your hydraulic brakes with a pocket knife?
Is this a problem with the specific mechanical calipers used on Lectric bikes. I have Tektro mechanical calipers on a relatively fast ebike and go down steep hills routinely and I have had no problems. One thing I do worry about with hydraulic brakes is if a hose gets cut, nicked,or crimped. The hoses don't seem to be armored in any way. Could somebody disable your hydraulic brakes with a pocket knife?
they are tough and I dont think anyone is going to do your brake lines like in them movies 😅 mechanical brake lines are not as strong.
Is this a problem with the specific mechanical calipers used on Lectric bikes. I have Tektro mechanical calipers on a relatively fast ebike and go down steep hills routinely and I have had no problems.

The problem as far as I know it, is that cables stretch much faster than the pads wear out and need constant adjustment.
Cheap ebikes tend to use cheap brake cables.
I read that there are better quality brake cables that use stainless steel wire with very little stretch.

Brake cable wires can also bind up inside the sheath with all kinds of friction that has to be overcome with a stronger pull on the brake levers.

I can lock up my front wheel on pavement with one finger on my 100 pound ebike.

One thing I do worry about with hydraulic brakes is if a hose gets cut, nicked,or crimped. The hoses don't seem to be armored in any way. Could somebody disable your hydraulic brakes with a pocket knife?

Yes, that's true.
The ridged plastic hydraulic brake lines can be cut/nicked more easily than steel brake cables, but you do have front and rear brakes, and damaging both brake lines at the same time is unlikely.

Sabotage is different, but you should notice that really quickly when you pull the brake levers and the lever hits the handlebar.

I always grab the brakes when I get on and off my bike, so I should notice any issues.

I do notice that my rear brake, with it's much longer brake line has a much spongier feel to it than the front brake.
My brake line moves when I squeeze the rear brake lever when I have the brake line clips removed.
The line is flexing, but I can still lock up the rear wheel with one finger without the lever hitting the handlebar.