I broke my battery !!!


Active Member
I've had my 700 4 days. I prefer charging indoors. Two days ago, I dropped my battery on the garage floor and the knob on the top got moved. I'm in contact with R1U about a fix. The bike is not usable. It's my fault. I did not try to B.S. R1U that it was there fault. I fessed up right away. I think the battery moved inside the case. Moral: Be careful with your battery !!!!


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I'm not familiar with your battery at all, but I did something similar to one of my batteries and this worked for me. First, see what R1U says, but if this is your problem and the thing is otherwise trash, maybe anyway, it looks like you knocked something out of place and maybe by opening the cover you'll be able to pop it back in place. This will probably void the warranty on your battery, but it sounds like you might be past worrying about the warranty. Some battery covers (mine, for example) aren't easy to open, but will give way to removing some screws and some prying with a straight screwdriver.

Second option: The thing could be totally fubared, but it might even pop back in place with a gentle "drop" in the opposite direction of the one it already suffered.

Good luck!

Have you tried to reinsert and use velcro strap while you wait fot a fix. There have been reports of the knob mechanism breaking in the past and I believe there's even a video on this.
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I believe you should always have a lithium ion battery checked for cell damage after a drop. Not that there was any damage to the cells from yours but you do not want a fire to start while charging it.
Unfortunately, this won't help you now but it's something to think about for the future.

E-bike batteries are heavy and sometimes difficult to grip securely. As you've discovered, dropping one while removing or installing can be costly. These heavy batteries can also be damaged while transporting. I met a rider in a trail parking lot who cracked his battery case in his car during a sudden stop. He was carrying it on the back seat and it slid off striking a tool box on the floor. There was a piece of plastic missing and you could see the cells. He asked me if he should use it. I told him he'd be crazy to do so without getting it checked out first.

I have a total of 5 batteries for my three e-bikes which I frequently carry around. With such an investment, I transport them using these protective measures:

P1070604a (1).jpg P1070605a.jpg P1070607a.jpg P1070664a.jpg P1070667a.jpg P1070670a.jpg

E-bike batteries come in many sizes & shapes but with a little searching, you can usually find a protective case that will fit. I was able to find a hard case that will hold 2 batteries in their padded cases along with a charger. The total cost was around $150 but I consider it cheap insurance considering what the batteries cost.

Anyway, there is a lot of good advice above and good luck with getting yours repaired.
Maybe you could ask them about getting it "recased" for much less than a new battery...

Though I suspect they probably get them in completed form and are not equipped to fix batteries.

Otherwise there are people that make/fix ebike batteries on the interwebs...might be worth an email to them...

One would hope a simple case repair would be easier/cheaper than actually having to replace/rewire dozens of batteries...

Good luck!
I'm still waiting for R1U's solution. If I have to buy a second battery, then I'll try to salvage the broken one. Thanks for the tips.
Solution !!!! I used an old Ace wrist brace. Even compliments the bike. I had to add that to help in my bruised ego
Great than you only need to fix/replace the knob... good luck. I'm looking around for a padded transport bag for our batteries. Thanks to you
I just posted this on R1U's Facebook page. Maybe some here also have an interest.
I solved my battery problem. See the pic? The plastic hanger on the top that holds the screw that holds the knob got busted. I had to buy a new top. AND the old bolt that holds in the knob was too short. I bought a #3 x 3/4 metric. Also I think that the battery removal isn't understood by all. Me included! The only function of the knob is to open the catch. It doesn't hold in the battery. BUT it's needed to open the catch after you unlock the battery. You won't be able to remove the battery without the knob. I still intend to wrap my ACE bandage around the battery and knob just to make sure the knob doesn't get lost.


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