Hydraulic Brakes On Lectric XP?


New Member
Sorry if i missed this thread anywhere but I didn't see it.

Can Hydraulic Brakes Be Added to Lectric XP? Will the Controller work like the original and Stop the motor once the Hydraulic Brakes are Activated? If this has been done, would love a link. Getting my XP Early in May "Fingers Crossed" I live in NYC So I know I will have to Stop on the dime if needed With 180mm Hydraulic Brakes, I am sure it will be stop faster and better, as well as less adjustment of brake pads that you often have to do with Hydraulic Brakes.

If it can't be done, Not sure If i want to continue with Delivery :eek:/

NYC is Congested, to the point Bikes and Cars don't mix on the same road, but it's getting better little by little are drivers are being made aware. It's the Bikes that aren't following the laws :eek:/ I see it all the time.
Sorry if i missed this thread anywhere but I didn't see it.

Can Hydraulic Brakes Be Added to Lectric XP? Will the Controller work like the original and Stop the motor once the Hydraulic Brakes are Activated? If this has been done, would love a link. Getting my XP Early in May "Fingers Crossed" I live in NYC So I know I will have to Stop on the dime if needed With 180mm Hydraulic Brakes, I am sure it will be stop faster and better, as well as less adjustment of brake pads that you often have to do with Hydraulic Brakes.

If it can't be done, Not sure If i want to continue with Delivery :eek:/

NYC is Congested, to the point Bikes and Cars don't mix on the same road, but it's getting better little by little are drivers are being made aware. It's the Bikes that aren't following the laws :eek:/ I see it all the time.
180 mm brake rotors on this is actually overkill. E bike hydraulic brakes are unnecessary and expensive on this bike. Once the brakes are seated and adjusted properly they stop just as well as hydraulic. The feel is different but this doesn't effect the stoping power. My specialised mountain bike has hydraulic brakes and they are marginally better. Don't cancel the XP cause it's expensive to convert to hydraulic and not worth it. The XP stops fast enough. I've used the brakes to there fullest with no issue other than some squeak..
180 mm brake rotors on this is actually overkill. E bike hydraulic brakes are unnecessary and expensive on this bike. Once the brakes are seated and adjusted properly they stop just as well as hydraulic. The feel is different but this doesn't effect the stoping power. My specialised mountain bike has hydraulic brakes and they are marginally better. Don't cancel the XP cause it's expensive to convert to hydraulic and not worth it. The XP stops fast enough. I've used the brakes to there fullest with no issue other than some squeak..
Kool, Thanks for the info. I Swore bigger rotors with bigger pads were better, just like on a car. I guess it's different on a bike? I am new to this, so pardon my Confusion. Again, Thanks for the input and super fast reply.

Not sure if I should still cancel the order. I like the fact that I can travel in another manner in NYC and When I go out fishing to areas in Long Island, there are parts I would like to explore, except Cars can't get there, But with an Ebike I am sure I can explore those uncharted fishing spots :eek:) Then again with all this Covid 19 going around and not knowing what the future holds, and extra 1k back in my back account wont hurt either.

Like i was telling my wife, what if Government wants to do a lock down, they can surely close all gas stations to make it harder for people to travel. at least with an Ebike I can Charge it up home, or use a My 2200 watt Honda Gas Generator, or even the smaller 1000 watt 10lb Generator which only uses about a quart of gas to run 8 hours. Having these kind of options at this time is good. I have Red Gas Cans Full of Gas Just In case of Lockdown of gas stations. Hope it doesn't get this bad but things don't look so good here in NYC.

Thanks for an ear full of listening Darceman, be safe out there.
Speaking of brakes. In loading my XP over the weekend. The little silver coatings/caps at the end of my brake lines broke off in loading/unloading. Do you just replace with wirenuts?


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Speaking of brakes. In loading my XP over the weekend. The little silver coatings/caps at the end of my brake lines broke off in loading/unloading. Do you just replace with wirenuts?
Mine are a bit frayed but I'm not really worried about it..You can order online or from your lbs if your concerned and squeeze on your self with plyers or wire cutters
There is a YouTube video of that XP buyer (Jeremiah?) who replaced his brakes with hydraulic actuated (not sure if that’s what they are called) brakes that still use the mechanical wires so you don’t have to replace the pulls.
Speaking of brakes. In loading my XP over the weekend. The little silver coatings/caps at the end of my brake lines broke off in loading/unloading. Do you just replace with wirenuts?
I would replace these cable end crimps. They prevent the cable ends from unraveling over time. If you need a couple your LBS probably has them for cheap. Bike cable cutters usually have crimps built in for these. Otherwise you can use vice grip pliers.
I watched Jeremiah's you-tube video on installing hydraulic brakes on my Lextric XP but I have 300+ miles on it now and I really believe that the mechanical brakes work well (quiet and good stopping power). So I purchased spare pads for the stock brakes and plan to stick with those. I have adjusted the brakes once so far.
I would replace these cable end crimps. They prevent the cable ends from unraveling over time. If you need a couple your LBS probably has them for cheap. Bike cable cutters usually have crimps built in for these. Otherwise you can use vice grip pliers.

I will look for them on Amazon. LBS is last resort. Getting in there is akin to getting in Ft Knox!
Kool, Thanks for the info. I Swore bigger rotors with bigger pads were better, just like on a car. I guess it's different on a bike? I am new to this, so pardon my Confusion. ....
Of course bigger are better, but dude you have a 20in wheel on an XP. Speed and momentum/weight govern your brake requirements. The bike is more than adequately configured, Different pads could further boost existing break performance, but if you a maxing out your brake performance you need a different bike or riding style.
To gain advantage from hydro brakes and larger rotors, you also need wider handlebars. The advantage would be the ability to brake with 1 finger. This would leave you with 4 fingers on the bars for more control with constant coverage of the brakes.

However, setting it up this way means you need to move the brake levers inward so only your index finger is grabbing the end of the brake lever. There is no room to do this with the current bars.
I'm not so sure my Lectric needs hydraulic brakes. It's a nice little bike to get you to the store or the golf course and maybe a little sight seeing from smooth trails or sidewalks. For that, the current brakes are fine.
Don't take some of these popular Lectric fanboy YouTube guys as GOSPEL or must haves. They are out to promote their channels, get clicks and to get FREE eBikes from Lectric. Use your common sense. If something on your bike is a problem or can be improved upon (seats, handlebars, mirrors, etc) then by all means check out what others have done. But to spend money on what others are doing (ex:spending money on hydraulic brakes when its completely unnecessary on a 20" bike) because so-and-so did it..makes no sense. Spend your money on your local economy by taking your new or used bike to your local bike shop for a professional opinion and yearly or bi-yearly professional tune. The $65 you spend there is probably the best $65 you can spend. A good tune up will make wonders on the way your bike handles, sounds, shifts and rides. No YouTube video can do that. I too fell into the "must spend this on that" trap and I wasn't happy with the bike in a lot of ways even after spending on options I didn't need. Two hours spent at my local bike shop should have been the first thing I should have done. The bike was transformed. For those of you who only get advice on YouTube...you must have missed the latest Lectric YouTube channel video entitled "your first ride" or something like that. One of the first things out of their mouth is..."we recommend you take your new bike to a professional bike shop to get it checked out". No better advice on any channel has ever been given.
Don't take some of these popular Lectric fanboy YouTube guys as GOSPEL or must haves. They are out to promote their channels, get clicks and to get FREE eBikes from Lectric. Use your common sense. If something on your bike is a problem or can be improved upon (seats, handlebars, mirrors, etc) then by all means check out what others have done. But to spend money on what others are doing (ex:spending money on hydraulic brakes when its completely unnecessary on a 20" bike) because so-and-so did it..makes no sense. Spend your money on your local economy by taking your new or used bike to your local bike shop for a professional opinion and yearly or bi-yearly professional tune. The $65 you spend there is probably the best $65 you can spend. A good tune up will make wonders on the way your bike handles, sounds, shifts and rides. No YouTube video can do that. I too fell into the "must spend this on that" trap and I wasn't happy with the bike in a lot of ways even after spending on options I didn't need. Two hours spent at my local bike shop should have been the first thing I should have done. The bike was transformed. For those of you who only get advice on YouTube...you must have missed the latest Lectric YouTube channel video entitled "your first ride" or something like that. One of the first things out of their mouth is..."we recommend you take your new bike to a professional bike shop to get it checked out". No better advice on any channel has ever been given.
Really??? The reason they say that and every other company is to prevent getting sued or blamed for something that may or may not have been the fault of the ebike... ie someone getting on their bike right out of the box without first checking it to make sure every thing Is working correctly. Even though it clearly says to in the manual...For example going down a hill and not being able to stop and hitting something. The first thing that person is going to do is sue the ebike company..Common sense dictates that if your not capable to check your own bike to make sure everything is working correctly and can’t be bothered to learn or are unable then by all means take it to the LBS. You pay them to adjust your brakes and then can’t stop your going to sue the LBS not Lectric...Makes sense... It’s no different than when you by a new car. If you look at the bill you pay for a preinspection to make sure everything is ok. It’s $350 to $1200 for this. Lectric keeps the price down so you don’t get this. This forum provides great information particiularly if you use the search button on how to fix adjust or get info for these bikes. A great number on this forum have learned how to work on there own ebikes after never really working on anything before. I and others would suggest unless you truly are incapable or not interested. Then learn how to adjust your own bike. Your LBS isn’t alway there when something goes astray. These bikes are easy to work on..The Local bike store charges you for something that most can do easily at home. Not only that you can feel the satisfaction of being able to maintain your ebike instead of paying the LBS...For most isn’t that why we bought the bike to begin with? Instead of paying the far higher prices from the LBS..There are a lot of you tube channels that are very helpful ...not just to get clicks...