Now show us a picture on the output side. There has to be a + and - somewhere. You can also unplug the controller and hopefully find a heavy red and black wire going to it. Check those.
If you've opened it, you then check the voltages on the cell groups. This is probably a 48V Hailong, and there are 13 groups. Any voltage above 4.25 or lower than 2.9 is syppossed to cause the BMS to shut off the battery, even if the total voltage shows OK on your LED meter. This has happened, so either you have a faulty BMS or indeed a trouble situation with one or more cell groups.
I'm not going to discuss how to do this. It's somewhat risky. You can watch this Luna video and sue them instead of me,
Your LED says the battery is fully charged, and it is. Lots of potential for sparks, fire, and personal injury. Proceed at your risk.