How Many Miles or Km On Your Ebike? What Repairs and Maitenance?

How many miles/km have you rolled up on your ebike?

Along the way, what have you had to buy? Tires? Cassetes? Chains? You name it?

Probably not the kind of miles you're looking for, but I figured I'd kick the thread off anyways and wait for others to follow. I've done 250 miles in two weeks of ownership of my Juiced Bikes ODK U500, so far no repairs or maintenance. It has extra thick tires so hopefully won't have any flat issues there, and it has an internally geared hub so no cassette to worry about. The chain stays in a straight line with no derailleur so hopefully that lasts a long time.

The one intermittent issue I have experienced is a fussy throttle cable connection but that seems to be sorting itself out on its own.

Maybe I can provide updates at 1,000 mile intervals going forward. Cheers!
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I don't use my bikes for commuting purposes, and pretty much only ride off road, with all of my riding taking place in the evening, and at weekends, so my mileage use is probably going to be considerably less than many at approx 3,600 miles per year. The goal for this year was 4,000 miles, but that figure has really slipped away, and I suspect that even the 3,600miles might not be achievable this year. The elevation gain per year is between 250,00ft and 300,00ft.

In respect of parts, the conditions that I ride in are harsher than most.
A drive chain can be shot within 100 miles, or last 600 miles.
Rear cassettes might be around about 600 miles to 1,000 miles.
The front drive sprocket on my Bosch powered bikes need turning at about 250 miles, and replacing at about 500 miles.
I get through a set of gear selection cables and front fork remote about two times a year.
Brake pads are very varied. I've got through two sets in just two weeks/ 200 miles, whilst in the Swiss alps, but generally speaking I guess that I get about 1,000 miles from a set.
Tyres are also very varied. Again the Swiss trip killed a set in 200 miles, but I expect to generally get through two sets a year in what are normal conditions. That would include swapping back to front.
I get through gallons and gallons of Muc Off bike cleaner, and must get through several litres of chain lube in a year.
Handle bar grips last about a year.
On the full suspension eMTB, I also expect to replace all bearings and bushes once a year.
Headset bearing last about six months before replacement.
I also get through a set of Shimano SPD pedals at least once a year.
I ride around 3000 miles every year and Specialized Turbo was my go to bike 3 years ago, 2015 and 2016 I used the turbo about 1/3 of the time so I have around 4000 miles on it. So far I replaced each of these ONCE : rear casette (2 months ago), front and rear tires, chain twice, handlebar ends, brake pads. I use winter tires during the icy season and still have the original pair. I also replaced entire rear wheel with the motor (under warranty)
How many miles/km have you rolled up on your ebike?
with 7 bikes and 2 riders a little over 10,000 miles. changed 3 broken spokes over the course of 2 years on the BH Emo/Carbon. One set of tires on my older commuting bike. One inner-tube on my BH Emo/Cross. 4 cassette changes, lost count of the chains at least 8, and one new battery. Fortunately no problems with motors/controllers or LCD interfaces.

I'm changing all the mid-drives to IGH's so hopefully only an occasional chain going forward.

Court J.
2,300 miles. I've changed out my brake pads four or five times, had five flat tires in the first 1,200 miles (but none since I installed Mr. Tuffy tire liners), and I've had two chains snap on me.
Stromer ST2, recreational use only, almost 6200 miles, 10 months or so, rear tire (and front tire to match), front fender support twice , both my fault. I have a few other issues but parts wise for worn out parts, that is it. I have a 2nd battery may have saved some wear on the 1st but I usually use both batteries during a trip, maybe not completely but most of the juice...upgraded parts not included
Stromer ST2, recreational use only, almost 6200 miles, 10 months or so, rear tire (and front tire to match), front fender support twice , both my fault. I have a few other issues but parts wise for worn out parts, that is it. I have a 2nd battery may have saved some wear on the 1st but I usually use both batteries during a trip, maybe not completely but most of the juice...upgraded parts not included
Wow - that's some impressive mileage in such a short amount of time for recreational use! What are your rides normally like? Are you in a warm area without a winter? Cheers!
no real norm, ride a little more than every other day.Get home beofore 5 on the road at 530 come back at 8-10. Wash DC area has decent amount of trails I can go 2 miles to get on the nearest trail (which itself is 44.5 miles) and if I wanted to go to Pittsburgh I would be on a trail the whole time. Sometime I drive to Baltimore and ride there or almost anywhere where trails are the main riding . i get on at mile marker 5 go to the end and back 80 miles, 5 hours w/stops. Check Google maps w/the bike trails around DC area. I go into MD and back to Mt Vernon. I avg about 18 mph in general , getting a little higher w/new shoes of all things. In a couple years hope to retire, get a van than can carry our bikes inside and go to many places to ride across the US Canada and visit my sister in Alaska during the summer and ride there. I wont ride below 35 or 40 degrees. Stocks have to come back to get to my 2+ years in Oct for retirement though
Since I'm a newcomer to e bikes I only have about 900 km's on my road bike equipped with the Bion x HD500 rear hub. No issues and the battery range seems to be getting better. It's being used mainly to commute to work which is about 18 km's one way depending on my route. And I am using the level 3 of 4 assist's most of the time because 1 - it's just feel's so good and 2 - it's kinda fun to blow by other cyclist's when it is a windy day which here on the Canadian prairie often happens. Only had 1 flat rear tire which lead to putting a kit together so it can be repaired roadside.