How many here are waiting for Sep 15 ship dates?

Port of Okland has taken more than a week to unload a ship. Kevin is processing 300 out tonight, shipping tomorrow. Another 300 ship next week. Everyone in the order range should have there bikes shipped, tomorrow - Wednesday of next week.
Bikeman!!!! I hope you have a direct pipeline to R1Up. I'm counting on you. If your info is false it's going to be worse than when I found out there was no Sants Claus. 😤
"if ordered today we will ship Sep 15" Does this mean they haven't sold all the incoming 700's?
Port of Okland has taken more than a week to unload a ship. Kevin is processing 300 out tonight, shipping tomorrow. Another 300 ship next week. Everyone in the order range should have there bikes shipped, tomorrow - Wednesday of next week.
Ordered my Core5 on June 26. Haven't received any notice of mine being shipped yet. I'd love to be in this group of bikes!

Well I wanted to pass on some news that I found which is very disappointing for me, but I have to keep in mind that Covid has messed everything up.

I was told that you get your first notice that your bike order has been complete, That was ride1up had transferred your bike to FedEx. Once FedEx has your bike, they send you a tracking number And a date that you’re supposed to get your bike.

I got my notice that it was out of ride1ups hands and they gave it to FedEx with the tracking number. I have a friend who works at FedEx and he looked up and found that two days after I got that notice, FedEx has not received the bike from ride1up.

I got a notice with a tracking number that says I get my bike tomorrow. Yet, FedEx doesn’t even have my bike yet and I got the tracking number.

I am on the West Coast, ride1up Normally lists me as 1 to 2 day shipping. Yet, I talk to FedEx, they told me because of the Covid situation, it’s about four or five days. So here I am, expecting my bike tomorrow, because that’s what the day ride1up told me, and FedEx hasn’t even got my bike yet. So not only would it not be this week, it may be the middle or end of next week before I get it.

For clarification, I asked FedEx why they would send me a notice that my bike is coming here tomorrow, when they know it’s not going to. They told me that since they don’t even have the bike yet, it was ride1up that sent that notice.

It needs to be said that without COVID-19 pandemic, none of this would be an issue. It is very disappointing that ride1up puts a delivery date of Thursday, knowing that it’s gonna be way later than that, is like I say disappointing that somebody would do that.

I am so glad I found out this situation, that way I don’t have to keep thinking tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, before it comes.

The bottom line is this. When you get a notice that ride1up has processed your bike, that does not mean FedEx has your bike. In fact, days can go by before they get it.

Second, when you get your tracking number, that does not mean that your bike is on the way. FedEx might not even have it yet. So that information is incorrect.

My bike mechanic was busy tomorrow evening and suggested we have a party at midnight at the shop putting it together and the safety inspection right off. I am so glad I found out that FedEx doesn’t even have it yet so I was able to cancel the party sooner.

Just wanted to pass this along in case people were planning anything by the delivery date ride1up sent.
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I have gotten the same "misinformation" for some Amazon shipments since Covo. I think some companies send out shipped notices as soon as they
create the label even though the carrier hasn't yet picked up the shipment. It used to work.
The good news is that the "boat is in and unloaded" . Thanks for the heads up!
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OK, someone said for me to keep them posted of what happened so I wanted to answer them. It was dropped off this morning and now finally the bike is on its way. My estimated arrival will be Monday. So that will be five days.

Funny, I was dreading having the bike get to my city Friday or Saturday after hours and having it sit there all weekend for a Monday delivery. It’s possible that that will happen but at least it will be here.
Got an email today saying my Core5 will ship on September 12th. So another delay.
I’m going to run out of warm days soon. I hope It doesn’t get pushed back again.
Well I’ve never had such good news be so disappointing. They shipped my bike this morning is almost here already.

From morning till evening it made it 3/4 of the way here. Looks like it’ll probably get to my city tomorrow and then sitting in the warehouse for the weekend.
Just got an email that our two 700 ST bikes now won't ship until October 2nd-9th. It was to be September 15th (for one) and 26th (for the other). SO bummed!
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LMT'D Estimated Shipping Update:

September 3rd-10th

We apologize if this is earlier and/or later than expected. PLEASE let us know immediately if there will be any issue with your order. We are doing everything we can to get your order out on schedule. Should this change, we will reach out to you with another update. Please forgive us if this is not exactly within in our stated time frame. We are doing our best to remain accurate during these times, but there are a lot of moving parts to anticipate. Thank you for bearing with us!​

You will receive an order processing email, when we begin processing your individual order for shipment. Please ensure our emails do not go to your spam folder.

When your bike is shipped we will send an 'order complete' email. Please ensure it does not go to your spam folder. Bikes are typically shipped with FedEx and delivered without signature, so please pay attention to your delivery date once shipped.

If you have multiple bikes in your order, it is possible if they had different timelines, One of your bikes may not be able to ship at the same time. If they are the same model or had the same expected date, then we should be able to ship them at the same time but in separate packages. If they are different variations and had different expected shipping dates, they may very well ship separately.

Accessories will ship be shipped separately and are typically tracked using the same 'master' tracking number.

If you are curious about how long shipping will take please check our shipping timeline map here - - Please add 1-3 days for COVID related delays.​

This is what I received today. Purchased on 08/13/20 two weeks ago.
LMT'D Estimated Shipping Update:

September 3rd-10th

We apologize if this is earlier and/or later than expected. PLEASE let us know immediately if there will be any issue with your order. We are doing everything we can to get your order out on schedule. Should this change, we will reach out to you with another update. Please forgive us if this is not exactly within in our stated time frame. We are doing our best to remain accurate during these times, but there are a lot of moving parts to anticipate. Thank you for bearing with us!​

You will receive an order processing email, when we begin processing your individual order for shipment. Please ensure our emails do not go to your spam folder.

When your bike is shipped we will send an 'order complete' email. Please ensure it does not go to your spam folder. Bikes are typically shipped with FedEx and delivered without signature, so please pay attention to your delivery date once shipped.

If you have multiple bikes in your order, it is possible if they had different timelines, One of your bikes may not be able to ship at the same time. If they are the same model or had the same expected date, then we should be able to ship them at the same time but in separate packages. If they are different variations and had different expected shipping dates, they may very well ship separately.

Accessories will ship be shipped separately and are typically tracked using the same 'master' tracking number.

If you are curious about how long shipping will take please check our shipping timeline map here - - Please add 1-3 days for COVID related delays.​

This is what I received today. Purchased on 08/13/20 two weeks ago.
Just received the same notice. Christmas in September😎. But 2 weeks later than originally promised.
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Sure would like to be behind the scenes to witness the scramble to get bikes shipped. Gotta be a madhouse. Do you guess R1U even opens the boxes?
I can’t believe it. I woke up this morning to see how much farther my bike got and I have big red exclamation points on my tracking.

It seems that my bike is stuck now because they say the label is unreadable. I am hoping that that does not mean that the package is damaged but the label is unreadable so it’s just sitting there in the same place stuck.

I can’t believe it.
Sure would like to be behind the scenes to witness the scramble to get bikes shipped. Gotta be a madhouse. Do you guess R1U even opens the boxes?

I've thought the same thing. I'm hoping quality control isn't taking a hit with the mad rush...
I can’t believe it. I woke up this morning to see how much farther my bike got and I have big red exclamation points on my tracking.

It seems that my bike is stuck now because they say the label is unreadable. I am hoping that that does not mean that the package is damaged but the label is unreadable so it’s just sitting there in the same place stuck.

I can’t believe it.
Oh, man. That sucks! Anything you can do? Contact the carrier?
Man I sure was hoping It could get in early. Wonder if this means it won’t even be here Monday cause I just lost a day.

I guess I could look at it positively. I didn’t want it to get into my city like on a Saturday afternoon and have it sit right here in my city but I can’t get to it until Monday. I guess it’s sitting somewhere I can’t get to it so that’s better.

Would like to drive down and get it but I don’t know what else to do. I guess one thing I can do is drive out to FedEx and ask them.

I am going to do that. I’m taking a drive out to FedEx. I’ll post back what they say. I am not on Facebook and I can see the Facebook ride1 up people are realizing they’re going to get their bikes later but they don’t understand the delay in the label and what the words mean I posted earlier.
I just got back from FedEx. I got everything figured out and my bike journey is continuing.

I think I should apologize for what I did. When I ordered my bike I took pride that I had patients. With the world upside down with Covid, with riots, fires, hurricanes, with all kinds of unrest, I’ll get my bike whenever it gets here. I’ll put it out of my mind and it just gets here whenever it gets here.

I found that I had patients, until it got right down to the last few days I kind of got to excited. I see peoples whole lives Seemed to be wrecked because instead of getting their bike Tuesday they’re going to get it Wednesday. I thought that in the scheme of life, having your bicycle a little bit delayed is really not that big of a deal.

I found myself the last few days doing the same thing. So my bike got delayed a day, in the big scheme of things that really isn’t a big deal. However, that’s stressing me out and it was a big major problem. It really shouldn’t been, but I made it into one.

I wanted to pride myself on patients and yet I let every little thing be some big problem and that’s what I didn’t like when I saw others.

I want to apologize for doing this because it can add more stress to other people if they start looking at their situation the same way.

My bike will get here when it gets here, every little thing is not a huge problem in the whole scheme of life, and I hope everybody else cannot let a bicycle affect their lives but just to put it out of their mind and they get their bikes whenever.
I just got back from FedEx. I got everything figured out and my bike journey is continuing.

I think I should apologize for what I did. When I ordered my bike I took pride that I had patients. With the world upside down with Covid, with riots, fires, hurricanes, with all kinds of unrest, I’ll get my bike whenever it gets here. I’ll put it out of my mind and it just gets here whenever it gets here.

I found that I had patients, until it got right down to the last few days I kind of got to excited. I see peoples whole lives Seemed to be wrecked because instead of getting their bike Tuesday they’re going to get it Wednesday. I thought that in the scheme of life, having your bicycle a little bit delayed is really not that big of a deal.

I found myself the last few days doing the same thing. So my bike got delayed a day, in the big scheme of things that really isn’t a big deal. However, that’s stressing me out and it was a big major problem. It really shouldn’t been, but I made it into one.

I wanted to pride myself on patients and yet I let every little thing be some big problem and that’s what I didn’t like when I saw others.

I want to apologize for doing this because it can add more stress to other people if they start looking at their situation the same way.

My bike will get here when it gets here, every little thing is not a huge problem in the whole scheme of life, and I hope everybody else cannot let a bicycle affect their lives but just to put it out of their mind and they get their bikes whenever.
I'm glad you said all that. I,too, thought I could take any glitches in stride. Must be like being on death row. I'm watching beautiful riding weather passing. My new mirror, bell, basket, torque wrench, lock, trailer, front wheel bag, Deore M591deraileur, tie down ratchets, are strewn about my garage waiting for a home. 😓