How long have you been riding a bicycle?

How long have you been riding a bicycle? Any bicycle, not just electric.

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1960 : My first bike was a red tricycle. Loved it and rode it every day. It had a platform across the back you could stand on. When the neighbor's niece came to visit I let her ride it but I insisted on standing on the back platform. While doing that, fell off and was dragged the length of the driveway. I had to sleep on the couch on the first floor until my legs healed up. Passed my trike onto my younger brothers. 2nd bike a blue steel two wheeler with coaster brakes and training wheels. I got rid of the training wheels quickly. 3. When it got too small for me, my parents let me ride my older sister's English three speed. Quality bike with leather seat. My parents said they won it in a contest. Rode it through high school and college. My best friend in HS and I went on many bike adventures.

After graduate school I wanted a bike for exercise. Bought a cheap Huffy from Montgomery Wards Dept. Store. I rode it but was very disappointed. It was heavy and I could not go very fast. I joined a bike club. I gave the bike away and bought a nice aluminum Trek hybrid. I rode my Trek on many bike club rides and the Seagull Century. Before we got married my husband and I liked to go on long bike rides and bring a picnic lunch. On our third date I wiped out on some wet leaves and fell into a puddle of mud. We continued the ride and I think he was impressed by my tenacity. I still have my Trek.

After we adopted three children, we bought them their first bikes and I rode some with them. I taught our youngest to ride a two wheeler and he loves riding. As they got older I rarely rode. My husband was less comfortable on his bike. We bought a recumbent for him but he rarely rode it. This Spring my youngest, now 17, wanted an e bike for his birthday. At first I told him we could not afford it. However, when I researched e bikes I found that we could get him a decent bike for about $ 1200. He had been cooped up too much in the house because of corona virus and I knew his old bike, while nice, was too small for him. We bought him a Ride1up500 that he loves. Soon after getting it he went on a bike date. All this research caused me to want an e bike too. I need to get more exercise and the e bike would help with the hills. My new bike is a beautiful colbalt blue Espin Sport. Now I am riding once again.

Well done... thanks for sharing!
Super fantastic... ;)

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I´d ruther have my dbl springer monarch back with the fake gas tank, It was beat up, fenderless, & purple with 3¨ tires,
a ten year old´ś Harley .
It might have looked like this before being stripped to the bare bones
painted over sludge purple. The button on the tank was long gone. It would have been cool to hang a Whizzer engine on it.
´46-´48? I´m still that ten year old.
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